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    Mar 12th, 2007 at 18:25:07     -    Color of Hope (Other)

    The Color of Hope presented by Tom Bowles and Kathryn Rieser is a fascinating game that made use of the RPG Maker. In that sense, the title is a big clue as to what the game is about. In perhaps what was just five minutes, the story is set up that the main character April, is walking around town meeting people which at one point you learn the reason why. They even include a basic tutorial, going against a doll! Quite humorous, perhaps one of the two hated dolls as a child. But anyways, the story sets up with meeting with Mikhail who ironically lives on my floor as well, and that his mother has a message for him. As you follow him around, you discover he has now become the sole guardian of the color green. The importance of it is not really known, except right after he goes outside and is taken away, and the world is covered in black and white. Is this perhaps the reminiscent of the old gameboy era in which all games are essentially without color. So it becomes the players mission through April to not only rescue Mikhail, but also bring back hope to the world that there may be color one day. In all a very captivating game, I just wish I saw how much depth to it had. I would definitely play it.

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    Feb 23rd, 2007 at 14:17:19     -    Mario Party (N64)

    In my second hour of playing, I have definitely improved. I still have to read the directions to each mini-game, as my fellow players refuse to offer any helpful hints because they want to win. And thats alright, I just hope I have some luck. Yet during the game I was sent all the wrong places, and did not collect any stars. But despite my lack of good stars, I was still enjoying the game. Even amongst the trash talking that was not directed to me, I still got a good laugh. Mario Party gives players interaction not only in the make believe world of dice and mini games, but in the real one as well.

    As far as this game goes, its simple puzzles built in one major one. It encourages players to practice constantly, and understand each of the mini games. This require hours of practice, and although I find it a waste of time, this does improve a players ability. This is the best game I have ever played, and theres nothing more that can be said except to definitely try the game yourself.

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    Feb 23rd, 2007 at 14:08:44     -    Mario Party (N64)

    Mario Party represents the array of characters that Nintendo has produced over the years, to duke it out in one final battle. Well perhaps not to the death, but certainly the winner of a board game. Where the player must roll a dice, move along, collect some stars, and the party of it all is play the mini-games. And like all board games there are strategic ways to collect more stars, and send other players to lose some. Yet the game creates a magical circle in which all the players are captivated to continue playing, even though a new player may have not much of a clue of what is going on.
    What is great about Mario Party is that it is able to include all four players in one big screen, as opposed to the little corner area to yourself. Not only that, the array of games test different skills, besides just pressing A and B. Perhaps the only game I would not want to play is the one where many people have had blisters on their hands. In my first hour of playing, I was already last compared to those experienced friends of mine. And despite the score disparity, I was enjoying myself because I knew I was getting better after each game. Even though the first game had ended with a winner, and that person not being me, everyone was up for another round. And each time there are more games to play, and more things to learn. This is exciting, because the game creates certain dynamics not only as the game progresses, but amongst the players as well. Like I mentioned earlier, some games require good time reactions, while others encourage the player to rapidly press a combination of buttons, its safe to say nobody is quiet during the game. And that’s what creates the great chemistry of this game, the ability for the players to trash talk before the game, and duke it out on the mini-game. This is also showing in the characters they pick, which one made an impact on them as a child. As Toad perhaps was the cutest, Toad was funny, and Mario was simply the symbol of the Nintendo era.
    No matter what this game reaches across to all audiences, even to those who are unfamiliar with the Nintendo series.

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    Feb 8th, 2007 at 01:03:51     -    Tekken 5 (PS2)

    What has evolved over the years involving Tekken is the camera usage and backgrounds of the room. Characters in fighting games are able to elude their opponent by shifting sideways, as opposed to the traditional left to right attack! What this does is create opportunities for the player to attack an opponents weakness, especially if the character chosen is quick and speedy. This also presents an opportunity for the player to use a grapple move, any combination of two buttons simultaneously grabs the opponent and performs a set move.
    An interesting note that has prevailed throughout Tekken is some characters are meant for beginners, and others for the intermediate, and some the more advanced. Perhaps the easiest move in the game to develop is from Law, in this case Marshall Law, his punch combos are simple, repeat square and triangle and the rest is history. And press up and circle and you’ll do the move that made him famous, the moonsault. While other characters such as Gun Jack which rely on being blocked by the first move, and then connecting on the second shows persistence pays off. While others such as Heihachi rely on pure strength and technique, other characters such as Hwoworang allow the user to tap the same button and all of a sudden the opponent is flying through the air.
    Other characters can save you a lot of trouble, but with some luck and perfect timing. Paul as well as Jack, Law, and Wang have one move KO’s, which if landed right will send an opponent flying through the air with their health bar nearly reduced to zero. This is exciting the first fifty times the moves connects, if you miss you are totally open for a big combo, but if you make it luck is definitely on your side. Yet after the next fifty times, I began to feel bored with the move and only used in desperation. Aside from that, the player is given the task to be a true master of the game of attempting to master all the moves of each character, and some of the moves in this game are very hard to even attempt. Or you do not have to be an expert, just a person who can intuitively press the right buttons at the right time, and you can pretend you are a master.
    In essence I love this game. This is the game I could play for hours and I’m glad its made it to the fifth series. Hopefully they come out with these graphics and the next Tekken Tag.

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    1Color of Hope (Other)Playing
    2Gran Turismo 4 (PS2)Playing
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    4Soul Caliber III (PS2)Playing
    5Super Smash Brothers (N64)Playing
    6Tekken 5 (PS2)Playing


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