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    Feb 12th, 2007 at 13:20:10     -    Devil May Cry 3 (PS2)

    One frustrating aspect of this game is that there are not many NPCs to interact with; if you get stuck or confused there is no way for the game to communicate the next step to you. I played this game a while ago, but there were some levels I completely forgot and had a hard time with. Usually if you don’t know what to do next in this game it means you missed some stupid glowing thing on the ground somewhere, which is easy to do considering the limited camera angles. For the most part the game leads you in the right direction based on where enemies attack you and where there is a trail of random orbs, the puzzles are easy for the most part, but there is too much emphasis on the player collecting random (and very small) objects. The cut-scenes flow, are relatively short, progress the story and have some humor. Even though this game can get irritating it is still a lot of fun. The player doesn’t get board fighting waves of enemies because there are some many different attacks, weapons and style specialties.

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    Feb 10th, 2007 at 02:26:41     -    Devil May Cry 3 (PS2)

    I was hesitant to give this game five stars just because I’ve given every other game I’ve played five stars, I think that is because I’m choosing games I like, so yes, I think it should get five stars. This game is deceptively one of the hardest games I’ve ever played. The game auto-locks on targets and has unlimited ammo and that is necessary because there is so much going on and you have to fight so many enemies at once that if you also had to aim for the shots and reload it would be imposable. I am describing normal though, don’t worry, after you die three times you unlock “easy mode”. I got through 5 levels before I unlocked easy. The story is interesting and fast moving, and the dialogue is funny [strange =)]. Fans of the first game will enjoy playing this one, and people who hated the second game might still enjoy this one. There is not as much of a social aspect, unless there are a few people who are really into the series and would have fun just watching for a while. The graphics are great, very astatically pleasing. The only real draw back to the game play system is that the story is broken into chapters and there is a load time for each level. Over all I have a lot of fun playing this game and I would recommend it to people who like fast-passed action games.

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    Jan 31st, 2007 at 03:57:02     -    Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES)

    I went through the first world relatively fast and got 2 magic flutes and 13 lives (the bonuses in this game are awesome). If the player beats three stages they automatically get a “1 up” but if they can collect all three of the same type card from the spinning box at the end. I wanted to see how far I could get through the game without using the flute, but at the beginning of the third world I decided to just skip to the fifth world which I was unable to defeat, the second time through I went through the third world then started the seventh and died. In each world the player has to progress through the levels in order, so really the only selection they have is which worlds to play. Usually the levels that should be easy are where the player make stupid mistakes (or at least it seems that way when you play). This game is very addictive because if the player realizes the pattern but makes a stupid mistake they are compelled to beat it. The levels are always kind of simple, even though the level design is complex, so players can get the feeling that if they try just one more time they can beat it. Trying to take turns is ridicules. Over all I had a lot of fun playing this game and now I’m probably going to br hooked on it for a while.

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    Jan 31st, 2007 at 03:26:58     -    Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES)

    It’s a lot of fun to go back to playing Nintendo games after playing PS2 and PC games for so long. Even though Mario is an extremely simplistic platformer, it’s very entertaining. The controls and story are so simple that anyone can come into the game and start playing at any point. The levels are easy for new players to complete and there are hidden areas and tools, like the magic flute, to keep experienced players interested. The levels all have specific patterns to beating them, and the endings are defiantly ranked on how many coins you get, buffs (mushrooms, fire flower…) and how many cool combs and close calls you get. The level designs are extremely complicated and unique, someone who has played a lot can look at a level and at least know which world its from in most cases. The stages involve castles, fields, sky platforms, underwater/cave, quicksand and a lot more. The simplified graphics and trademark music make this an easily recognizable and loved game. This game doesn’t have a very developed story but the player doesn’t care because it is still a lot of fun.

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    2Soul Caliber III (PS2)Playing
    3Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES)Playing
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