brad3steffen's GameLogBlogging the experience of gameplay Columbine Massacre RPG (PC) - Thu, 29 Oct 2009 13:45:17 Play After playing this game for the 3rd and last time I'll ever play it, I realized how much a video game can affect your train of thought. When I first started playing the game, I felt sick about the preparations for murder, and then when I actually committed the crime, I felt sadistic and cold-blooded. I believe this game jumps to the future of how games will be viewed in our culture, and society because it was based on a true tragic story. The violence in this game forces the player to take a second and think about the concurrent disputation that is presented. The consequence of violence in this game is made clear when Eric and Dylan are in hell with the Doom monsters. I don't understand why somebody would ever make a video game about a real tragic event that took place in our nation. Controlling a terrorist to kill innocent Americans is unethical. Could a game be created that is similar to this, but instead, reference the events to the 9-11 attacks? The concept in both stories is to control a terrorist to murder people. So what's the difference? I'll never play this game again simply because I do not enjoy it. I think if one does thrive off this game, then he/she has issues. Overall, it was a interesting and difference experience that I learned from playing games.Thu, 29 Oct 2009 13:45:17 CDT Columbine Massacre RPG (PC) - Wed, 28 Oct 2009 17:12:18 Play When the bombs fail to explode, the player is forced to go into the school and murder as many students as you can. This is one of the few games I've ever played were I felt like I didn't need to beat the game to be satisfied. It seemed wrong and immoral to murder all these students mostly because the game portrayed a true story that mapped out all the events that took place. I thought it was interesting how the creator of the game kept flashing back to past events in Eric and Dylan's lives. It really made me wonder if Marilyn Manson, the test bombs (flashback when when you stopped by the pizza in the basement at the begining of the game), and all the other occurrences were the actual causes that lead to their anger build up and ultimately the murders. The language in this game is disturbing and foul. They use the F word numerous times, and it seems as thought they are always angry no matter what.Wed, 28 Oct 2009 17:12:18 CDT Columbine Massacre RPG (PC) - Tue, 27 Oct 2009 17:57:10 started playing Super Columbine Massacre RPG for the first time today. As soon as I started playing the game, I immediately felt a sick feeling in my stomach. I took a second to think about the real events that took place at Columbine, and this game really made me wonder how these kids took all their anger out on these innocent people. The violence in this game is far less graphic and gruesome compared to most games played today. However, since the game is sort of a documentary about the real Massacre at Columbine, I felt as if I was part of the murder scheme. It was extremely difficult to murdering students for no particular reason, and it put a sour look on my face everytime. The game is very simplistic and easy to play, however, I thought the objectives were sometimes unclear. At first I had no idea what I was supossed to be doing, so I just started walking around pressing the enter button. It didn't take long to get a grasp of the game's intentions. The first part where the player has to gather the gear was easy. But the part where you have to sneak passed everyone in the cafeteria was a little challenging. It took me numerous times to find out how to get passed the cameras. After I planted the bombs in the cafeteria and got the duffle bags out of the truck with Eric, I wasn't quite sure what to do next because I accidentally skipped the reading too fast. I wasn't able to backtrack the instructions, and it took me a long time to figure it out.Tue, 27 Oct 2009 17:57:10 CDT Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS3) - Mon, 12 Oct 2009 18:10:40 Play After playing Grand Theft Auto San Andreas, I seemed to have acquired more video game skill. It is not like any other racing or fighting game. In fact, the game allows you to do both, and much more. This game was similar to the previous GTA's so it didn't take that long to figure out the controls, and game play style. GTA SA has new automobile styles such as dune buggies, bicycles, hovercrafts, and a street sweeper. You can also fly a helicopter which I found to be probably the most exciting part of the game. In the past versions of GTA, water was considered a death barrier, but now the game allows you to swim and climb. I decided that I wasn't going to attempt to complete any missions, because I've already experienced that with the previous versions of the game. So instead I wrecked havoc by trying to escape from the police with high wanted levels. 2nd Play I just finished playing GTA San Andreas for 2 hours. After I played this time, I realized more than I already knew how violent and immoral the game can be at times. Assaulting police officers and lighting them on fire before you go to the corner and pick up a hooker is wrong. It's hard not to have fun while doing these things, but about 80% of the actions shown in this game would be considered immoral in our society. The violence in this game is more graphic than any other game I've played. If this game influences kids to do the same things on the streets, then thisit is going to cause some serious problems for society. Mankind will be faced with numerous issues if games like this start impacting our everyday culture in nature and society. 3rd Play I played the game with cheat codes this time, and it made the game a lot more exciting and thrilling. I was able to do just about everything the game allowed me to. However, it got a little repetitive doing the same thing over and over. I tried to complete some missions this time, and by using just a couple cheat codes, it made the missions a little bit easier and a lot more enjoyable. I also played with two of my friends this time, and it made the game a lot more amusing. Watching my friend be in control gives me the unknown of what CJ will do next. I also learned a few things from watching my buddies play, and I taught them some secrets as well. It's fun playing with friends, but at the same time, I felt like I wanted to play more instead of watch them after awhile.Mon, 12 Oct 2009 18:10:40 CDT