ALAZAKIS's GameLogBlogging the experience of gameplay Columbine Massacre (Arcade) - Thu, 29 Oct 2009 14:35:50 successfully completing the cafeteria mission, I spent maybe 45 minutes searching the area looking for students to brutally murder as I could not figure out how to complete the next objective. The whole time while playing the game I had a dull and annoying experience trying to extract the meaning the game designers had intended for the player to understand. I feel like the game over stressed the violence and how horrific the incident was, similar to beating a message into the players skulls. The point was that the game designers were trying to give off their own artistic message, unlike large game studio productions.Thu, 29 Oct 2009 14:35:50 CDT Columbine Massacre (Arcade) - Thu, 29 Oct 2009 09:41:24 I progress through the game the most annoying and trouble some part (as a gamer) is the mission to blow up the cafeteria. It is made so that if you touch the guards it is an instant failure and cannot plant your homemade explosives. This game also makes me question if the actual teen responsible for the attack had this many weapons at his disposal. I also ponder if this game could possibly encourage another attack, I will evaluate after beating the game.Thu, 29 Oct 2009 09:41:24 CDT Columbine Massacre (Arcade) - Thu, 29 Oct 2009 00:03:49 my first experience with Super Columbine Massacre I was fairly confused at how popular the game is and why so many people wanted to play it. The incident was horrific and yet so many individuals wanted to massacre a bunch of "innocent" students. I tried to understand the public obsession and if perhaps this popularity was due to fasination with brute violence. In any case while playing as the shooter it was very odd to control a character brutally murder classmates even within the first 20 minutesThu, 29 Oct 2009 00:03:49 CDT Theft Auto - San Andreas (PS2) - Thu, 24 Sep 2009 09:55:50 while playing I decided to go on a killing spree, like so many others do. I know it is common for many players to go into a killing spree to see how many stars they can obtain before dying. This is one of the strongest reasons for why people view the game as a an ethical issue. The game gives the player unrestricted access to do any violent action that the player desires. Well after acheiving four stars (and three helicopters later) CJ died. I believe that this form of violent behavior can also be viewed as a release from anger and fustration in daily life. In other words, I view this game as a way to release my anger by killing nonplayer characters without doing any real damage to anyone. I do however realize that other individuals may not be able to not have they're attitudes in daily life.Thu, 24 Sep 2009 09:55:50 CDT Theft Auto - San Andreas (PS2) - Wed, 23 Sep 2009 16:57:03 during game play I entered the city of Las Venturas, the third island in the game. The city is an obvious replication of Las Vegas and incorporates every last sinful detail of "sin city". The first mission I played in the city was working for Woozie, your triad gang associate. Woozie and CJ become business partners in a new casino. The ethical issue at hand, atleast the one I'm experiencing, is whether the game should really be encouraging torture, which is conducted in the mission via strapping a mob thug to the hood of your car, in order to be successful. I believe does a fantastic job of getting the player to believe that these actions are neccessary to free your brother and become successful. After considering the issue it is always important to realize that the vast majority of players are not individuals who would let a game affect they're daily life and attitude.Wed, 23 Sep 2009 16:57:03 CDT Theft Auto - San Andreas (PS2) - Wed, 23 Sep 2009 00:36:10 am very familiar with this game as I've had it almost as long as its been avaliable for sale. As many know, this game is notoriously known for its crude language and unlimited amount of violence capable in the game. For this log I started to play a game that I am halfway through (I'm at the part where CJ has just left San Fiero to meet Mike Torino in the desert). At the start of one mission Torino blackmails CJ to work for him because he has the power to protect his brother Sweet in prison. The mission is to use an RPG(Rocket Propelled Grenade)to protect a friendly helicopter. During gameplay I actually find myself becoming fustrated and angry when I fail the mission due to firing a rocket at the friendly helicopter.Wed, 23 Sep 2009 00:36:10 CDT