BenWilliams's GameLogBlogging the experience of gameplay 3 (360) - Wed, 09 Feb 2011 23:54:39 have been playing Fable 3 for a few days now, and I am fairly impressed with what it has to offer. The graphical element to it is accuratly detailed and has been improved much, much more since the relases of Fable 1 or Fable 2. The 3D environment which has been designed is breathtaking and is definatly worth stopping just to take a closer look at to see what a brilliant world you're walking in. You play the protagonist hero, who has to reclaim the throne from his/her elder brother who is an evil tyrant king, bringing the Land of Albion into ruin as he continues to make the people of Albion and Aurora despise and hate him. Roughly half way through the game, you are starting to create a rebellion against him so that you can claim the throne as your own and save Albion from a great threat, called the Darkness. You still have you best friend, the dog of Fable, who is very well designed dynamic and in detail, and yes, you can also buy or DL different breed of dogs for your Fable franchise. When creating a rebellion, you are set out to recruit certain leaders of different places in the World, for example, Aurora. You're to make promises to many people, and given that you keep them, everyone shall survive the danger of the Darkness who appears on your Birthday after reclaiming the throne. The way to do this, is to save money, and then keep all of your promises, this would be the protagonist's point of view throughout the game, this will make people love you, but you will then have less chance of surviving the attack from Darkness. The other option is to save money, but not keep your promises, therefore loosing your recruits and the happiness from the people of Albion, who will then class you as an Evil Tyrant. On completion of the game, you can continue to play and complete unfinished quests and earn PS3Trophies or Xbox360Achievements. This game has such a wide variety of things to do, the only down point I can really give to this game is that its storyline is not long enough, and should be longer! And also, the difficulty should be made harder, or even better, you should be given a choice at which difficulty you wish to play at. Thank you.Wed, 09 Feb 2011 23:54:39 CDT