Alyssa's GameLogBlogging the experience of gameplay Architect (PC) - Thu, 29 Mar 2018 01:26:01 I continued working on the prison that was on fire. I was having trouble and took a long time to fix the problem. I noticed that even though it was several days in game and some exclamation marks and what seemed like angry starving people, it did not really matter. The prison still had a ton of money and it made no difference whether the prisoners killed themselves or harmed people. I could still go along with attempting to complete my tasks, even if they were wasteful or expensive. Once I complete my tasks, the story would continue along as normal. The CEO gives me hints, not as much as before. Also, the prisoner's story moved forward as before. Although, I feel that perhaps if I killed someone relevant to the plot maybe the story might change. I am uncertain whether it is truly possible to fail in this game.Thu, 29 Mar 2018 01:26:01 CDT Architect (PC) - Wed, 28 Mar 2018 01:58:19 time I am working at another prison. It immediately starts off with everything on fire. I have to go hire firemen and have them try and subdue the fire. However, they can be injured and I can choose to be careful and send them back or out of harms way. I have control over their lives and can use them solely as a means to an end, going against Kant's ideals. After that I have a lot more tasks compared to the last prison. I have to go get doctors and I have to repair the prison. However, the CEO explains to me I can speed up my process. From now on I can through the game quicker and make choices faster, they may not be right, but they will make the game progress. Wed, 28 Mar 2018 01:58:19 CDT Architect (PC) - Sun, 25 Mar 2018 20:13:04 the name implies you play as a prison architect. You are first asked by the CEO to build an execution room for a prisoner. During this time you are taught the basics of the game. How to build and where. Finally afterwards the CEO tells you, that you get to choose how this prison turns out. The prisoners and guards health and happiness are down to you. After the building is complete you have to send the prisoner to the execution room where along the way you get to hear his story. It is somewhat graphic and the mood changes to a more solemn tone as you watch. The music seems to imply that his story is tragic and while it is wrong, he does not deserve death. Yet, the inmate can not live with himself and we are left to watch the outcome.Sun, 25 Mar 2018 20:13:04 CDT Of Mordor (PC) - Mon, 12 Feb 2018 23:47:12 of killing and death. The whole scenery seems to encourage it. There were some nice distractions such as Gollum bringing us artifacts to help with Celebrimbor's memories, who was a legendary blacksmith and forged the rings of power. Gollum is hoping to get his ring back by helping with Celebrimbor's memories. We also managed to save Hirgon's wife. Talion left them in their happiness in continue of his search of the Blackhand. Alas, I can not continue the main missions until I have killed more war chiefs, that apparently increase in power every time I die. I do find it amusing that they remember me and comment on how they've killed me before.Mon, 12 Feb 2018 23:47:12 CDT Of Mordor (PC) - Mon, 12 Feb 2018 00:34:34 time playing I got more in tune with the controls. Also, found the button to stop the game from spamming hints. I noticed that most of the hatred is on the Uruks. Even the orcs and other creatures do not receive nearly as much. Ratbag, an orc, you make a deal with him and do not harm him, at least for now. All the missions so far have been about killing Uruks in some way or form, even the stealth missions. Everything to paint Uruks as maliciously as possible even showing them enslaving humans. Talion, the ranger, helps free them advocating his good character. Mon, 12 Feb 2018 00:34:34 CDT Of Mordor (PC) - Sun, 11 Feb 2018 00:24:35 cinematics are very pretty. Yet, the fighting is a bit slow, perhaps to give it a more realistic feel. I also noticed that whenever an Uruk was slayed it's blood would spray everywhere. Meanwhile, when Talion's whole family was killed, they tastefully covered the cuts and the blood. It made me feel more towards his family, while the Uruks were these gruesome beasts who needed to be killed. However, Talion seemed very calm after his family's death or perhaps he is keeping it to himself. Anyway, finished the slaver's camp mission and saw Gollum. Curious to see where this goes.Sun, 11 Feb 2018 00:24:35 CDT Escape: Zero Time Dilemma (VITA) - Thu, 18 Jan 2018 02:51:24 session I only played through one scene. This one scene consisted of an escape room involving a bar and games found normally in a casino. At the end I was told that each character needed to roll a one to not get killed. Of course the probability of that is low and I failed so all the characters on the C team died. Yet, I wasn't satisfied with this. I went back in game and played that scene until all characters rolled a one. What happened next was interesting. They all went back to the main room and Akane brought up how this is all based on circumstance, Akane even mentioned the exact amount of times I replayed the scene and the new probability of succeeding with those tries. She also mentions that in another history they all could've died. Since they would be dead, they couldn't observe that outcome. Carlos brings this up as the anthropic principle. I went and looked the word up for more information. Here is what I found "The anthropic principle is a philosophical consideration that observations of the Universe must be compatible with the conscious and sapient life that observes it.". From this third play session it's becoming more apparent that chance is a huge part of this game. It is referenced multiple times through the gameplay and the scenes. How these small seemingly insignificant changes can cause the outcome to vary greatly.Thu, 18 Jan 2018 02:51:24 CDT Escape: Zero Time Dilemma (VITA) - Wed, 17 Jan 2018 21:13:51 my second session with the game, unlike what I thought before it is more than just watching scenes. This time there were escape rooms too. I only got through two escape rooms this session. The first escape room was hard and after completing it I got to watch more of the story. Once again there is mention of a virus and about how something small can have drastic effects on the world. Before it was a snail and now it was on calling a taxi. The second escape room was strange because only two members of the team were present. This puzzle was easier to solve, but more disturbing as it was littered with body parts. Which later answers what happened to the third person on C team. Both people are traumatized as the killer could only be one of them since the room was locked up. Akane assumes the killer to be Carlos since he took part in the experiment to get the money ($500,000) to pay for his little sister's treatment. Carlos is uncertain and is forced to make a choice on the killer's identity, including whether it's himself. At first I thought maybe the third guy, Junpei, killed himself, but that's not an option. Second maybe it was Carlos because Akane loves Junpei and wouldn't have killed him. Even though the likely killer is Carlos, as I am playing with Carlos I am not going to let myself die, especially since Akane is chasing me with a chainsaw. Therefore, I choose Akane as the killer. Scene ends with Akane dying.Wed, 17 Jan 2018 21:13:51 CDT Escape: Zero Time Dilemma (VITA) - Tue, 16 Jan 2018 23:44:13 started up the game and was immediately given a choice for which determined the life of 6 characters in game. So at the very start I am forced to give a decision even though I know very little about the game and its content. After I give my choice, it seems I chose right and all the players are released and the credits roll. This surprised me as I have done almost nothing and the game already ended. Once the credits end I am brought back in game where I choose a team of characters and then select from a list of scenes. I thought this game was more of an escape game where you solve puzzles to exit the rooms, but instead I find it to be one where I make a series of choices. By making choices I learn more about the characters in game. The theme so far seems to fall around "unjust fate" where sometimes it is by pure luck that characters live or die and have no meaning. Strange though considering that these 9 people may end up deciding the fate of millions. (This entry has been edited1 time. It was last edited on Tue, 16 Jan 2018 23:47:35.)Tue, 16 Jan 2018 23:44:13 CDT