KalebHogan's GameLogBlogging the experience of gameplayhttps://www.gamelog.cl/gamers/GamerPage.php?idgamer=1986Hitman (Complete First Season) (PC) - Fri, 09 Nov 2018 15:16:21https://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=6875Yet again not much has changed in gameplay but the missions are getting a little bit harder. In the story there is a some political narratives going on in the Marrakesh mission. Otherwise the game has kept to its former ethical guidelines of punishing you for killing non-target people.Fri, 09 Nov 2018 15:16:21 CDThttps://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=6875&iddiary=12339Hitman (Complete First Season) (PC) - Wed, 07 Nov 2018 17:09:57https://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=6875Not much has changed after playing another couple of hours. There is an obvious hierarchy within the games security system that once you obtain the best outfit you have access to all the areas. With a catch, the people who have similar status as you can be suspicious of you. Presumably because they work around each other and they would know each other. So that is a cool mechanic that I enjoy. I played 2 more missions and I enjoy how ridiculous some of the eliminations are. Like killing someone on their private golf green with a 17th century cannon. Most the fun comes from exploring the levels and seeing where the security lines are crossed. I enjoy both going rogue to complete the mission and following the more “story” driven objectives. On an ethics stand point not much has changed except I was thinking how ironic it is that it is okay to kill the leaders but not the security guards or people close to the operation. If you were scored on just ethics it would seem permissible to kill people who are knowingly breaking the law and helping them out.Wed, 07 Nov 2018 17:09:57 CDThttps://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=6875&iddiary=12264Hitman (Complete First Season) (PC) - Tue, 06 Nov 2018 15:32:09https://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=6875I played this game for about 2 hours and got around to playing the Paris mission but did not complete it. So far the gameplay is a little different than what I expected. Instead of being guided through the missions you are given free range to do whatever you want. Little storylines or objectives/opportunities will open up and if they are compelling enough you can follow them more like a traditional game with checklists to complete that will eventually get you to kill your target. The games story always gives you a compelling reason as to why the target should be assassinated. The government is to powerless to stop these rich and powerful people. So essentially the game is arguing that if someone's crimes would give them the death penalty then why can't a assassination job be just as ethical. The most interesting part where ethics is concerned is the scoring system. In the scoring system you are severely punished for killing “non-target” people. If you play the game without killing anyone else but your target you could argue that hitman is acting ethical. One negative that I have found is that I have been relying on the save system as a crutch. Once I have gotten lucky and subdued someone without getting spotted I instantly save. I know that I can choose not to save but with a limited time budget to play videogames I always cave because I do not want to have to replay the whole mission just because I got caught in the very end. I feel like this is not the experience the developers wanted because when I do not save I am less risky and feel more like a Hitman.Tue, 06 Nov 2018 15:32:09 CDThttps://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=6875&iddiary=12224Nier Automata (PC) - Wed, 26 Sep 2018 19:25:45https://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=6797Today I played for about an hour and a half. Most of the game consists of me running place to place and picking up items on the way. Enemies aren't very interesting or challenging to fight. One bit of side story had come up, that the commander has messy rooms and isnt as much of a tyrant as others thought. This is only interesting because up until this point it isn’t quite clear that the androids are actually human, they seem just as mechanical as the robots you are fighting. After doing a few fetch quests I got a notification that a goliath had entered the city center, so me and 9s went to take care of the situation. The goliath had been the first main sequences boss so I was slightly disappointed that they were reusing bosses. This fight was much easier than before because I had leveled up alot up until this point. When killing the goliaths the ground beneath them sunk and a transmission had been sent out from the aliens after hundreds of years of silence. So we investigated the gigantic sinkhole. At the end we found the alien base where all the aliens were dead. We run into the shirtless guy from a previous boss fight and a twin of his. They request we go to mars to retrieve something or someone for them, but I couldn’t retain the info because I was required to battle them while this conversation was taking place. When I got them to half health they teleported away. After this encounter we are told to go to investigate a forest kingdom where we encounter robots wearing viking esk armor trying to protect their king. 9s brings up the observation that it is strange that robots would have a concept like valor and loyalty. Bringing up another philosophical question, if robots were able to have all the qualities we value in humans then how could we treat them different.Wed, 26 Sep 2018 19:25:45 CDThttps://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=6797&iddiary=12107Nier Automata (PC) - Mon, 24 Sep 2018 18:00:47https://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=6797Today I played for about an hour. I was given a quest to investigate an area outside the Outpost. I discovered it was an amusement park where the robots were not attacking me and were chanting strange things like love and peace. I avoided my companions suggestion to not fight the heavily armored tank that was in the amusement park. I ran past all the robots and did not fight them. This is when I ran into the boss. The boss was a large robot in a dress who had dead androids attached to her. Half way through the batter we were then attacked by other androids who had fallen to the boss. They were attacking us and presumably we had no choice but to kill them. Afterward 9s assured me that the androids were only being kept alive by the boss and they died after we defeated it. This was interesting because it was like killing our own kind. Although we do not know if androids feel pain or can actually die because presumably the consciousness is kept in a black box they carry on them. So really they were just empty shells of people. This game asks a lot of philosophical questions on what consciousness is and how it relates to morality. After beating the boss we were contacted by an intelligent robot who took us back to a village in the woods who were all intelligent robots. They were waving white flags to signify their peacefulness and most of them were intelligent but not fully autonomous. Some more philosophical questions were raised by this encounter. I wondered if they felt pain but we are not told yet if they do or not. If they feel pain does that make it unethical to kill them. And even if they cant feel pain does this make it okay to kill them? Some humans can’t feel pain but we still think they have the same value as anyone else.Mon, 24 Sep 2018 18:00:47 CDThttps://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=6797&iddiary=12060Nier Automata (PC) - Sat, 22 Sep 2018 12:29:48https://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=6797Two and a half hours of gameplay today, I obviously liked this game. Playing the game in the beginning the most interesting parts were the variety of gameplay from the same mechanics. Seamlessly switching between side scroller, top down twin stick, and 3rd person combat/shooter. I really enjoyed the variation given because of this set up. Storywise the game has some obvious ethical information. Finding out that when I die my consciousness is backed up “on the cloud” and my body is just a vessel was not surprising. Although it is an interesting game mechanic, turning the souls formula futuristic. Some ideas came to me when the protagonist seemingly committed suicide, is it ethical to commit suicide if you know your consciousness is backed up and the “you” that is “you” is still there. This made me think of the Star trek teleportation dilemma. It is obviously not you, because the atoms are not the same, but because you start experiencing consciousness at the time your old body ended it makes it feel like you are the continuation of the experience that is you. Another point in the game that posed an ethical question was when man running the shop at the first outpost you visit, with the handicap leg, asks “if i replace every part of my body am I still me?” This is a great philosophical question, and possibly a moral one. The weapons dealer says “he wonders if him trying to help the cause by selling guns, is just making his friends die faster anyways.” Talking robots makes you feel for them and the tribal music makes you feel like you are committing genocide on the robots. Looking forward to playing again.Sat, 22 Sep 2018 12:29:48 CDThttps://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=6797&iddiary=12044This is the Police (PC) - Wed, 29 Aug 2018 21:46:48https://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=6722Today I played for about 40 minutes and didn’t face many different scenarios. A feminist organization was protesting and city hall requested that I use brute force with them. I refused because they did not give any evidence of violence from the protesters. City hall then decided to cut the number of officers I could have. This was also because I refused to fire all my black officers because of a racist group in town. Because I thought this was unethical I didn't do it. I was then requested to fake evidence on feminists because the district attorney is backing them. This was another uninteresting decision on a ethical standpoint. I refused their request. I was surprised in a new element of the game after two of my officers died in the line of duty. I was given the option to keep secret about the death of an officer and still receive the paycheck of the officer. The police department needs money and city hall has been cutting my budget and officers because I haven't done what they said. This made me want to lie, even though in the Kantian perspective lying is inherently wrong. But because city hall has been unethical it makes me feel like I can be unethical towards them. Ultimately I did not lie about the officers, truthfully because I was afraid of what would happen if I was caught, but ethically I knew it was wrong. Overall this game is showing how being unethical gives a person in society an edge above the rest. They do not have anything standing in their way. If I had played the game ignoring ethical dilemmas and looking at things as a numbers game then I’m sure I would be ahead. Is this game unethical for essentially promoting unethical behaviors.Wed, 29 Aug 2018 21:46:48 CDThttps://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=6722&iddiary=11954This is the Police (PC) - Tue, 28 Aug 2018 16:25:35https://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=6722Today I played for an hour and got to see some results of my actions from my previous play session. Since choosing to not help out my friend the mafia sent me a picture of him and his family of just their heads. Then I got a phone call from the leader of the Mafia telling me that I had joined the mafia. This pissed me off because I feel like it's the same outcome (joining the mafia) than if I had chosen to help my friend. I’m hoping that this game gives me an actual choice and consequences of those actions besides different small cutscenes. I feel like this is setting up a crucial part of gameplay but I would have liked some more “good” choices. I would have liked taking control of a fresh officer that hasn't any past or previous obligations. This complicates things when the character made a promise to do things that I wouldn't have promised in the first place. So now in the game I have the choice to use the mafia’s “special moves” by paying them to perform illegal actions. So far I haven’t used any of these actions because I view them to be immoral. The mafia has also asked me to look the other way on some crimes they are commiting. I have not, in fact I sent more officers there to ensure that they would be caught. The mafia boss has given me a warning to not do it again. More interesting is the small choices that you are faced with as the police chief when sending units out to crimes happening around the city. When hearing about a incident that doesn't seem too serious I will send less experienced officers. But this has backfired more than once because sometimes they are worse than expected. A R&G in ethics, if it is all random then how am I supposed to make an moral decision when only a certain amount of officers can be sent out on calls. Choices while the officer is on duty do have interesting choices. So far I have acted as a cop would, ignoring the silly and obviously wrong answers. Every one of these incidents have resulted in unharmed officer and civilians. I am playing the game with a Kantian/ honor ethics in mind. I will not do “bad” things, so we will see the consequences of these actions in further play sessions.Tue, 28 Aug 2018 16:25:35 CDThttps://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=6722&iddiary=11913This is the Police (PC) - Sat, 25 Aug 2018 16:08:29https://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=6722When beginning the story many elements are hidden away from the player and for obvious reasons. In the hour that I played I didn't feel like I had to make many ethical choices till the end of my play time. The first ethical choice I was put up against was to help your boss/close friend be an inside man for him in the police department. He was involved in the mafia and if you didn't help him his family and himself would die. This made me question either using virtue ethics, because he is a close friend and you should help out friends in bad situations. Or in the kantian case helping out the mafia(or someone who is “bad”) would be inherently wrong. In the same utilitarian vein if I can save my friend and his whole family(6 people) then helping the mafia kill say 3 people would actually make helping the mafia morally right. I made the choice to not help him by my gut reaction, but now in closer reflection it might not have been that simple. I have not seen the aftermath of my actions yet, but it will be interesting to see what the game developers have as a consequence of my action.Sat, 25 Aug 2018 16:08:29 CDThttps://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=6722&iddiary=11887