DigitalNative88's GameLogBlogging the experience of gameplay Party (N64) - Fri, 23 Feb 2007 12:57:59 Mario Party for another hour brought a few new challenges. The gameplay does not vary all that much, there are only various new challenges. I decided that that graphics are not all that spectacular in the game, but at the same time they don't really need to be. It would be pointless to have extremely good graphics in a game like this. I played solo version as well as multiplayer, and the solo version doesn't really compare. It can get kind of boring so I didn't play it for too long. However, this game serves its purpose and that is to "party," in the virtual world of course.Fri, 23 Feb 2007 12:57:59 CDT Party (N64) - Fri, 23 Feb 2007 11:38:48 is nothing like waking up early to play video games. However, unfortunately Mario PARTY is not the greatest game to play at that time. None the less, the game brought back great memories of when I was in sixth and seventh grade, staying up all night at friends houses with our eyes glued to the screen. I obviously like this game though I hadn't played it for a while. It contains a series of mini games and you can use a variety of classic characters including Peach, Wario, Luigi, Donkey Kong, and others. What I like about this game is that it seems to be a pure test of hand-eye coordination, and it actually requires some phyiscal skill. The middle of my hand was hurting from abusing the joystick while playing. It is a pretty difficult task, however, to complete the have to collect 100 stars and I find this extremely challenging, and have nowhere near enough time to do this.Fri, 23 Feb 2007 11:38:48 CDT Frenzy (XBX) - Sat, 10 Feb 2007 02:01:00 friends and I played mini-games a while longer and then played tournament style. The mini-games we played were fun but after a while we got bored of them because we had played basically every one. Thus we switched to tournament style. We only had three players and you are required to play with four, so there is a feature to make the fourth player (computer) either easy, medium, or hard. Since we are all pretty good at the game we decided to make him hard, but we found out that even that level wasn't difficult enough for us, which was actually a good thing in the end because we only had to compete with each other. Fuzion Frenzy is meant for a younger crowd, not exactly college students, and isn't the most technologically advanced game in the world. However I do remember that I bought it for sixteen dollars, and so ultimately the game is a good deal and worth that kind of money. I ended up winning the tournament on a game where you have to collect pods and return them to a base. You have orbs that you earn throughout the tournament and at the last stage you make a wager. It is difficult to explain but the system is actually simple and is easy to become familiar with. Overall the game is decent, simple, fun, and is worth the money.Sat, 10 Feb 2007 02:01:00 CDT Frenzy (XBX) - Sat, 10 Feb 2007 00:50:52 this assignment I decided to play a sixteen dollar game (shortly after it came out) called Fuzion Frenzy. It is a very simple game that is similar to Mario Party in that it has tournaments and mini-games you can play against other people. I chose to play a bunch of mini-games with a couple of my friends. They all have various level designs and different strategies. My favorite one is called Twisted System. It is a basic game with a spinning platform where you either have to jump over a pipe at your feet or duck under a pipe near your head. It is extremely simple and extremely addicting; we must have played it fifty times. The game also has a nice combination of decent graphics and music to go along with simple and fun mini-games. However some of the mini-games are not fun and if you play them more than once they can get extremely repetitive.Sat, 10 Feb 2007 00:50:52 CDT Smash Brothers (N64) - Wed, 31 Jan 2007 19:08:12 playing Super Smash for another hour or so, my friends and I got real into the game. We played a series of one on one battles, and some of them got pretty intense. Each character in the game has certain skills and unique attacks that you can use against your opponent and they make for fun and exciting gameplay to say the least. I strictly use Donkey Kong and Captain Falcon (although sometimes I'll play with Fox or Pikachu) and I feel that I've pretty much mastered these two characters. The levels are cool because certain levels go along with characters' strengths and they are unique to that character. Even though they don't have the most complex design ever they are still fun to play.Wed, 31 Jan 2007 19:08:12 CDT Smash Brothers (N64) - Wed, 31 Jan 2007 18:09:23 I am playing Multiplayer battles with a few friends of mine. We all have varying levels of skill and experience when it comes to Super Smash Bros. We played a bunch of times on most of the levels available in Multiplayer. What's great about this game is that it takes previous characters from Nintendo games and meshes them together in one action packed game. You can even play in their famous homelands such as Link's Hyrule Castle or Fox's Sector Z. These characters really don't have too much to do with each other except for the fact that they are all part of the Nintendo World, you even get their theme music too. In multiplayer you have the ability to adjust settings to your liking, and this makes the game a lot better because some may enjoy different settings than others. For example, you can adjust how often you want items to drop and what items you want there to be, you can have stock lives or timed life, and you can adjust health percentage and how quickly one will die.Wed, 31 Jan 2007 18:09:23 CDT 007 (N64) - Fri, 19 Jan 2007 00:44:13 went back to playing Goldeneye on multiplayer. This time we mainly played remote mines and power weapons. I got a little more used to the controls but I still had trouble with aiming. The RCP-90 was my "Weapon of Choice" pretty often: it took down my opponent's health pretty quickly. The weapon choice in this game is very good, and you can be successful with nearly every weapon. Also the body armor lying around in the levels makes for interesting gameplay, and is actually a key part in winning multiplayer matchups. The remote mines are an awesome part of the game. They allow you to get pretty creative, letting you place them in strategic locations so that you can kill the enemy when he is totally unaware of what's about to hit him. Also, the characters you can play with are pretty interesting, such as Oddjob and Jaws. However, I hated playing against Oddjob because he is so short and hard to kill, although he does make the game more of a challenge if you are trying to kill him. Fri, 19 Jan 2007 00:44:13 CDT 007 (N64) - Thu, 18 Jan 2007 23:50:06 007 is the epitomy of a classic game. I used to play it all the time when it was first released, but it has been a while since I last played it. I found a friend to play a few levels of multiplayer with. The level design in this game is excellent. It ranges from the simplicity of Stack and Library (my favorite) to the more complex Facility. I wasn't too successful in killing my opponent though, mainly because I found it hard to adjust to the controls. Aiming was the most difficult thing, and maybe the only flaw in the game (although I never really noticed it until playing more advanced games in recent years). Every time I wanted to shoot I had to stop walking in order to get the crosshair on my opponent, and this got a little annoying. (This entry has been edited1 time. It was last edited on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 23:59:09.)Thu, 18 Jan 2007 23:50:06 CDT 2 (XBX) - Fri, 12 Jan 2007 02:59:05 playing Halo 2 for another 40 minutes or so, I found myself to be a bit bored. I had accomplished one objective in that time and it seemed that I was running around in circles because the level kept repeating itself. Once I killed all the enemies in a certain stage, I would move on and there would be the same exact layout with the same exact enemies. Perhaps I was getting bored because I was playing by myself on campaign, or maybe the game is actually not as entertaining an hour and a half into it, especially when you're just repetitively slashing enemies with the energy sword. In any case the game seems to be drawn out, but that could just be me anticipating the end of the game. Halo 2 is definitely my favorite video game in the world to play, but I guess it can even get a little boring sometimes.Fri, 12 Jan 2007 02:59:05 CDT 2 (XBX) - Fri, 12 Jan 2007 02:07:26 have had Halo 2 pretty much since it came out, and I play it on Xbox Live all the time, however I never actually beat the game so I decided to pick up where I last left off on Campaign. Before I even got to playing, I found myself already getting into it while the level was loading. The music, in my opinion, is far and beyond the best out of any video game I have ever played. I found myself humming it while playing. I was nearing the end of the game at the part where I located the Prophet of Truth and had to rescue the captured marines in the detention-block. There was one part where I kept accidentally falling off of the map because I forgot it was possible. Having unlimited lives is quite convenient in Halo 2, even though it may make it a little less challenging. Also while playing I began to appreciate the story line more than before, and the idea that you can play as both the good guys (master chief) and the enemies (covenant, etc...) makes for an exciting game. I also noticed a little humor in the game, once where master chief appears out of nowhere and says "boo" to an enemy, and another part where a little covenant guy yells "air breather" at him. I actually laughed out loud both times.Fri, 12 Jan 2007 02:07:26 CDT