CCOdabomb's GameLogBlogging the experience of gameplay NFL Football 2006 (PS2) - Thu, 08 Mar 2007 20:31:36 another 45 mins of playing Madden, my Colts has been doing well, number one in the division and my record is 6-2. The graphics in the game is by far the best Madden I have played. Conflicts in the game would be that I need to choose plays that will be the best play to counter the play my opponent would choose. Something that I would change in the game would be the audience, it will seem more realistic if the crowd would have more reactions or even name chanting like in hte real games. The elements that make this a good game is that it has a lot of challenges, like running plays and passing plays, and sometimes even trick plays you need to know to score touchdowns. I enjoyed playing this game, but next year, the new Madden will be better.Thu, 08 Mar 2007 20:31:36 CDT NFL Football 2006 (PS2) - Thu, 08 Mar 2007 18:19:14 Football has been one of many classic games of all time. Football is general is America's pastime. But one thing that makes Madden unique is that every year there is a new one, the concept of the game is still the same, but the only changes made are the players and often times new features and better graphics. I think Madden '06 is the best Madden so far. You can start a franchise with your favorite team, or just play a random game. A new feature about this game is the quarterback vision. This vision allows you to throw more percisely at your recievers. The vision is well balanced out because once the computer saw me look down field at my wide receivers, the safety will automatically go towards him to break the play up. I started my own franchise with the Colts and so far I played around 3 games and my record is 2-1. This game is quite addicting because I get points at the end of the game based on my scores, and I can use these points to buy cards that can give me "cheats" in the games.Thu, 08 Mar 2007 18:19:14 CDT Smash Brothers (N64) - Sat, 24 Feb 2007 05:05:35 Smash Bros. is quite an addictive game. Whether playing with computers or with friends, this game gives fighting games a whole new twist. Instead of using "super moves", these Nintendo characters use their own moves in their own games in this brawl. One flaw of this game is actually the consoles controller. The N64 controller is not that easy to control because its size. Unlike the gamecube which is smaller, the N64 controller is hard to use for Super Smash Bros. The characters in the game are original Nintendo game characters. If there were more characters added, then the game might be more interesting. There is no conflict between players because when players battle, everyone can see where everyone else is.Sat, 24 Feb 2007 05:05:35 CDT Smash Brothers (N64) - Fri, 23 Feb 2007 19:18:37 Smash Bros. is one of my most favorite games on the N64 console. You can choose a character and battle other people in a brawl on some random setting. The character that I chose to battle computers with is Link. You start by choosing your settings, like how many lives you want, and what item you want to use in the battle. I used land mines and the poke ball because these items are the best to play with. Super Smash Bros. is a mixture of all nintendo characters and putting them into a match with their speical moves. Like Mario has the fireball and Link has his sword. The more damage you receive and give to others, the more likely you can knock them off screen and get a kill. In Super Smash Bros. there certain things that you can break and certian areas you cannot go into because it might cost you a life. The challenges in this game is that you will never know what your opponent might do to you.Fri, 23 Feb 2007 19:18:37 CDT (PC) - Sat, 10 Feb 2007 23:37:06 an hour of playing, things got a bit pointless becuse you just keep shooting around and weird people try to curse you out. Some flaws of the game include words that cannot be used in a sentence becsuse it is considered as a bad word. Also, ranking takes too long and by the time you reach a battle axe, it will take four weeks.Sat, 10 Feb 2007 23:37:06 CDT (PC) - Fri, 09 Feb 2007 15:13:02 is one of the most played online games worldwide. Gunbound is a animated game that is similar to pocket tanks but only with animated characters and i is onine. In this game you have a chance to interact with people around the world or in your own country. You first login with your username by using internet explorer, then you start the game by entering a server that is USA accounts only. The game begins by clicking on one of the open rooms and by doing this, you are either in team A or team B. You can switch teams if the other team has an open slot. After choosing teams, you select a bot, which is the "mobile" you will be using throughout the game, and weapons. The weapons are things you can use throughout the game and there are three slots of weapons you can use. Weapons like "dual" or "teleport" are the weapons I use. Dual gives you the ability to shoot twice at your opponent, and teleport gives me the ability to shoot myself somewhere else. The battle begins after everyone presses ready and the master of the room presses start. Just like pocket tanks, you can move around and fire attacks at your opponents. Each bot has a different ability, meaning that they shoot something different, a boomer can shoot a boomerang, while an a sate shoots a laser. This game requires a lot of geometry because the harder shots you can make, the more GP and gold you can get. GP is what will determine your rank in the game. And gold gives you the ability to buy avatar for the character you use.Fri, 09 Feb 2007 15:13:02 CDT of the Colossus (PS2) - Wed, 31 Jan 2007 17:24:50 another 45 minutes of playing, the game starts to make sense because the missions tells a story of CJ's life. Balla's are rival gangs, and CJ and Ryder is suppose to help clean them out because they want their hood restored. San Andreas is quite interesting the more you play it because you want to see what happens next. It is funny how you can do so much with CJ; like drive-bys, you can eat, work out with him. Then you have to give him clothes, and haircuts. Unlike the previous GTA's, this one have interest in.Wed, 31 Jan 2007 17:24:50 CDT of the Colossus (PS2) - Wed, 31 Jan 2007 15:26:44 Theft Auto is one of the my favorite games because of how I can use my character and do whatever I want. From stealing cars to beating up old ladies, the boundaries of this game is not that limited. The only restrictions are the stars that your get when you kill someone. Then the cops start to chase after you and bust you. The storyline of San Andreas is hat after jail, you return to your hometown and complete missions. This game is created for teens and teens only, a little 5 year old could play this, but it would be a bad influence! The levels designed gets difficult as you go up, which is like any other game. Within the time of 45 minutes, I got carried away with stealing cars and running people over, that I did not really pay attention to the missions I was supposed to complete.Wed, 31 Jan 2007 15:26:44 CDT Damacy (PS2) - Fri, 19 Jan 2007 18:03:58 have reached level four and it was kind of challenging. In the beginning of the game, it was easy grabbing things s that the ball becomes 20 or even 30cm. But in level four, your goal is to pick up 1m of things in a time limit of 10 mins. It was hard because I was trapped and could not find somewhere else to roll the gigantic ball. This level too me around 2 tries to pass it. It was fun because watching the ball pick up random things is funny. (This entry has been edited1 time. It was last edited on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 20:39:20.)Fri, 19 Jan 2007 18:03:58 CDT Damacy (PS2) - Fri, 19 Jan 2007 18:01:31 Damacy is quite an interesting game. The tutorial was an introduction on how to roll this ball of suction. In the beginning of the game, the "prince" is supposed to roll a little ball that sucks up items that is smaller than the ball. The more things you pick up, the bigger the ball becomes. The music is quite attracting because it has a catchy tune. I reached to about the third level by 45 minutes. Each level you are suppose to roll the ball to a specific diameter. Level one is 10cm, level two is 20cm, etc. The game is kind of addictive because the more you roll the bigger the objects you can pick up.Fri, 19 Jan 2007 18:01:31 CDT