Junker's GameLogBlogging the experience of gameplayhttps://www.gamelog.cl/gamers/GamerPage.php?idgamer=519Earthbound (SNES) - Thu, 06 Mar 2008 01:14:08https://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=3111Gameplay: This game is frustrating at times. Basically, the boss fights in this game are challenging and get very frustrating because sometime it’s more than just he boss. The boss usually has helpers and they hurt. My strategy for boss fights is to destroy all helpers with an All attack, an attack which hurts all opponents and hopefully killing the small ones so I can focus on the boss. They deal so much damage it is not even funny. I have died numerous amounts of times to boss fights. When you lose, you lose half your money. The good news is that your experience stays the same and going back to fight the boss can help you level up. One cool this when you beat the boss is that if you walk through the level again, all the enemies run from you. I found that rather funny. It is like there henchmen and when their boss is gone they fear whoever took him out. As you gain levels you get stronger, sometimes you’re really strong to an enemy. So the game checks to see if you are tougher than it and makes an instant battle, in which case you kill it in one hit, gain experience, and all items if dropped. Some of the things you have to do in the game require you to spend a lot of money and wait for awhile. For example, in order to go to a city, I need a special device that destroys all “pencil shaped” objects. That’s a first for me. Usually quest items are done instantaneous and usually there is no wait for the necessary item you need to progress on. The storyline of this game keeps bringing me back to it. I have to know what happens. I want to know more about the challenges ahead. They are goofy and really original; I want to see what happens. It is a very interesting storyline. The enemies you fought get really weird and add more interest to the game. Design: A basic RPG, with all role playing elements included. The battle system is similar to that of Dragon Warriors in which you only see the monster you are fighting and your health. There’s also one difference I found out about the game. When you take massive damage, like overkill, your life begins to wind down and if you can kill enemies before your health reaches zero, you win the battle. I thought this was neat. I have never had this option in an RPG. Also the stat “Guts” can save your life by doing the same things. If you die, the “Guts” stat can save you. The game allows you to move around in eight directions. You can walk, take a bus, or even ride a bike. Usually you’ll have to do something to get those except walking. The game doesn’t give you a world map but from playing for awhile and seeing how big the towns are, the world is REALLY REALLY BIG!! Each town has at least two neighboring towns that are just as big as or bigger than the previous town. Having your magic powers be psychic is really cool. Not many games take advantage of this. Thu, 06 Mar 2008 01:14:08 CDThttps://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=3111&iddiary=5811Earthbound (SNES) - Thu, 06 Mar 2008 00:54:56https://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=3111Summary: Earthbound is a RPG game for the super Nintendo. In the game, you play as the hero Ness in order to prevent a horrible disaster so you can change the future. By using your psychic powers along with your teammates, you are to stop the future that could be. Gameplay: I’ve always wondered about the Earthbound series for as long as I have played as Ness in Super Smash bros. This was my chance to play. I really didn’t know what exactly to expect, this the first time I’ve seen the game. You start off by making your characters name. What’s interesting about this part is that they ask you to name your favorite food. I thought this was bizarre until I found its true purpose in the game was that Ness’s mother feeds you your favorite dish to fully heal all hit points and psychic points. The game world of Earthbound is that of a regular suburban home and actual modern day cities which made feel comfortable in. It’s pretty rare to find an RPG that is set in modern time. Usually it’s more fantasy or in space setting. When game actually starts, you wake up to the sound of a meteor crashing near by. After you find a magical butterfly and you gain powers, it’s really weird and they do not explain how you get those powers really. I’ve wondered how Ness got his powers because the game never really hints as to how you get it only that you are the destined hero that is supposed to stop a terrible future from happening. From then on, weird events keep coming like people are being controlled by the enemies influence, an evil cult arise and takes over a town, and ghosts begin to appear in tunnels. All the equipment you get is like normal clothes and items. From Baseball caps to ribbons can be used as armor for a high amount of defense. You can actually beat “New Age Retro Hippies” so they faint with a T-ball bat. I really enjoy that fact very much.Thu, 06 Mar 2008 00:54:56 CDThttps://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=3111&iddiary=5795Donkey Kong Country 2 (SNES) - Thu, 21 Feb 2008 00:53:04https://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=2834Gameplay: After a couple of levels, the game still keeps its fun loving spirit. I enjoyed the riding on the animals in the game. That was fun, especially when you get the marlin friend to ride on. I never had so much fun under the sea. The marlin attacks everything under water with a high speed ram with its spear like nose. Also there’s a rhino friend as wells a giant spider. Riding on such creatures is really cool. Each one helps getting past the obstacles and the enemies that are tough. The rhino just rams them and the spider blasts them with web blasts kind of like spider man. Plus if reach a certain check point with them still alive you receive an extra life which is always a good thing in a game. At the end of each level you also have another opportunity to receive another life or better. You can receive a token in which you can spend on games or tips about the game. By hitting the target at the right time at the end of the game you can receive such a wonderful gift or just bananas. Design: Playing as a Diddy and Dixie was fun. The platformer elements were fun to do. Having a special animal help in certain situations made it more enjoyable. The rhino goes thru everything, the spider shoots things, and you swim better with the marlin. The animals improved the gameplay and made it seem like you were invulnerable or just had an additional hit point in which it will take longer for you to die. Throwing crates and barrels were great weapons to use; you may even get bananas in the broken crates. It gives the player more of an incentive to break them instead of just leaving them be. The “Helicopter Hair” that Dixie has makes it easier to reach places. In certain areas this helps because there maybe a coin in a corner that a normal jump may not reach. Using Dixie’s hair you can easily make it without dieing at all. The tokens in the game were annoying to have. Retrieving them was fun but I’d rather spend them on better stuff instead of information, an airplane in which I can travel between areas, or a how much do you know the game quiz. Overall it is enjoyable, fun times you can have in Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy’s Kong quest. Thu, 21 Feb 2008 00:53:04 CDThttps://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=2834&iddiary=5292Donkey Kong Country 2 (SNES) - Thu, 21 Feb 2008 00:39:41https://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=2834Summary Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy’s Kong Quest for the SNES is a platformer. You play as Diddy Kong and his girlfriend Dixie Kong in a tag-team attacking style in which you can hurl each other at enemies. Also they each one a certain characteristic that can help get across a problem. Gameplay: Starting off as Diddy on a giant Spanish Galleon setting was bizarre bur a lot of fun. The crocodile enemies just roam for easy kill and rats just run at you. It’s a lot of fun to make Diddy do his “Barrel Roll” attack to destroy the enemies. Playing as his girlfriend, Dixie attacks with her hair. Also if you use it in the air it performs like a helicopter which keeps you in the air for a longer time. This was very helpful to find out about. I died numerous times because I couldn’t make a jump or I would jump right into a flying wasp. The bonus levels ARE REALLY REALLY FUN! Finding the coin or destroy all the enemies in a certain amount of time is a lot of fun to do. My favorite one is where you need to jump into the barrels with characters face that you are currently playing to get to the top. Both characters have a different route but it’s a lot of fun to do. Actually just hurling your partner in the barrels and see a chain reaction of barrels is pretty cool to see.Thu, 21 Feb 2008 00:39:41 CDThttps://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=2834&iddiary=5282Resident Evil 4 (Wii) - Fri, 08 Feb 2008 19:36:58https://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=2440Gameplay: For the second time through the game, the feeling of it is really different.Once i got used to the controls of it all, everything really was simple. Head shots were easy and getting around quickly was no problem. The second zombie form thing(when you call a zombie there might be a parasite coming out of its head that makes it more difficult to kill) was easier to take care of once I began to experiment with the weapons I bought from the creepy merchant.I really wanted to be frightened by the game. It has elements of a horror game but doesn't deliver like its past games. I wanted zombie dogs bursting through doors right when I open it, I wanted to see a zombie on fire walking towards me, I wanted to see the infamous zombie called a "Licker" to be crawling everywhere, and i wanted me to feel very alone. The game has some glimpses of these but it really never quite gets there because its more about uses a machine gun to plow a way through to kill them all. It used to be shoot them to get down and then run by them. \ The cut scenes of the game were probably my favorite part of it all. Introduced firstly in Resident Evil 3:Nemesis, cut scenes with actions in which the player can chose began to popular in Resident Evil. In RE4 the Wii version, you push certain buttons on the Wii mote or swing the Wii mote to do certain things like to dodge something or make something happen. It made it more fun to actually participate in the game's cut scene's rather than just watch. Design: The over the shoulder view made it easier to see everything you needed to see rather than the fixed camera placement form the older games. The targeting system was probably the best they have ever done. I was really happy to aim with the Wii mote to shoot the zombies in the head. The zombies now drop items that could help you instead of walking into a room and examining shelves, bookcases, and cabinets for supplies. Zombies can now travel through more zones instead of just there one designated spots. Boss fights are fun to play because each one has unique elements in which you need to figure out how to defeat. For example the second boss fight you needed it to show the parasite so you could chop it down with your knife. The knife in the game is actually very useful. If your low on ammo, can just shoot a zombie in the head, watch flail a bit and then kick it in the head. It will fall and then began to swing the Wii mote to pull out your knife to cut him. The knifes auto lock on is very nice to have. Fri, 08 Feb 2008 19:36:58 CDThttps://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=2440&iddiary=4629Resident Evil 4 (Wii) - Fri, 08 Feb 2008 19:20:49https://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=2440Summary: Resident Evil 4 is about a government worker Leon Kennedy ,who is also in Resident Evil 2, looking for the presidents daughter, Ashley. You play as Leon as he goes through a very 3rd world part of Spain. As you venture into the village in the beginning of the game, the locals seem to be acting like zombies. Going to each new part requires you to solve puzzles and to conserve your ammo because there are a lot of "things" that want to kill you. Gameplay: I have played past resident evils before and this is a completely different type and feel compared to the others. In the older versions of the game, it used to be a fixed camera somewhere in the room that could hide objects from the players sight. In this game, the camera is over the shoulder and the player can freely see everything that Leon is seeing. I preferred the older versions fixed camera becasue it made it look like an actual horror movie that you were playing. The new camera made it feel like it wasn't even a continuation of the series anymore. The feeling of the game was different and the pace of it as well. The games theme used to be survival horror, which meant you had to keep in mind of all your supplies. Now its action adventure were you can literally waste everything then get back by killing things. I didn't like that element because it didn't hinder my progress at all. I could just throw a grenade, kill all of the zombies, and loot of there dead corpses. In the older versions, I had to find all the ammo and conserve because once I used it, that's it. No more ammo for me, better conserve.Fri, 08 Feb 2008 19:20:49 CDThttps://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=2440&iddiary=4622Shadow of the Colossus (PS2) - Fri, 25 Jan 2008 23:44:08https://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=2168Game Play: For playing my second time, I only got to fight one colossus for forty-five minutes. The fight was long and a little irritating. I really enjoyed fighting a colossus in mid-air tho. It was a challenge to travel over it to find its weak point on its body. Having each colossi be different from each other made the game more interesting. I never knew what type of colossus i was gonna fight. My thoughts of fighting them hadn't changed. Even though I fought only one, it showed that the others would probably be like this fight as well. I was really looking forward to it. Since the game is a single player you really get lost in its design. You being such a small person taking on so many huge creatures is really fun but since they are really the only creatures you should be killing it does seem like its the only thing you must do. I didn't that fact at all. Since each one was different it just means that I needed to be on my toes to figure out how to climb up the colossus. I enjoyed that fact so much while playing. Design: Using the sunlight to find where the next colossus was was a cool idea. Instead of traveling around aimlessly trying to find the next colossus, the sword points you to the next one. I liked it that it showed me the next one but I didn't like that I had to kill each Colossus in a certain order. The horses design i hated. I really hated the fact that i couldn't just simply hold forward to move the horse. I had to hold down the "X" button to make it move faster. I rather hold forward as if I was moving my own character instead of a button control to do it. Also maneuvering was very hard for me. It seemed very touchy and the camera angles did not help out at all. While climbing the colossi and running around the colossi, the camera doesn't really help you at all. I was constantly trying to fix the camera on a spot where I would be able to find myself. I had to fight the camera a lot.Usually it fought me to where i couldn't see anything at all, all I had to go by was my grip meter so I wouldn't fall off. Having a grip meter dictate how long i can stay on the colossus was a good idea. That way the game wouldn't be broken in the sense were I could just hold onto the colossus for an infinite amount of time. I wouldn't seem fun or a challenge in the game if I were able to hold on indefinitely . Fri, 25 Jan 2008 23:44:08 CDThttps://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=2168&iddiary=4199Shadow of the Colossus (PS2) - Fri, 25 Jan 2008 23:27:41https://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=2168Summary: Shadow of the Colossus is an action adventure game were you to kill many colossi in order to revive a girl that was sacrificed. Riding around on your horse through the world makes you feel really small in the world compared to the huge colossi you have to battle. The battles are really fun; climbing up them and finding there weak points to kill them is pretty intense. Game play: The games art work is beautiful. Looking out into the world for the first time made it seem big. Even looking at the map they gave me made it look big. Traveling through cliffs, through plains, and mountains made trips very long to reach my next destination but eventually you got there. The areas in which you fight the colossi are all different from the rest. Sometimes the surroundings help you fight them. Moving around the world and the colossi were fun. Having a horse to travel on was a big help.I really didn't like the controls but i got used to it after awhile. I had a problem with holding a button to move instead of just pushing up on the directional pad. Moving around the colossi is a lot of fun. Trying to find a way up the colossi is a puzzle. Not all of the colossi have places were you can easily climb onto. Fri, 25 Jan 2008 23:27:41 CDThttps://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=2168&iddiary=4184Street Fighter Anniversary Collection (Street Fighter III: Third Strike) (PS2) - Sun, 13 Jan 2008 23:16:42https://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=1727Game Play: I have gotten a couple of my friends to play with me recently. All of them tried out the new characters as i explained about what they could do and how they related some how to the older Street Fighter. It was fun to play with them. Some actually surprised me by doing a combo that i could never do. It was funny to listen to them when they beat me. They thought i was the best at it and so when they screamed "I BEAT YOU!" it was good to see they enjoyed themselves. Trying to teach people this game is a little difficult but it is fun. Like i showed a couple of people how to a basic combo and they were forgetting three seconds into the round but they still try. It's interesting to see what they come up with. Sometimes they did a combo or link that i have never seen before. Also explaining they storyline of the game is sometimes hard. I have done some research on the game and found some of the characters backgrounds and some are very vague. For example, the mysterious character Q is one that I am always asked about. It's very hard to explain that one because even I don't know that Story. Others like Ken and Chun-Li are simple; usually the more popular characters are easier to explain. Design The game play of it has been the same consisting of a light punch to a heavy punch and the same with the kicks. The only main difference with this game than its past games is that those attacks can become a combo. In the older versions, three light kicks or punches were the only normal combos. Now you can chain light punch to light kick to medium punch into a super art that can deal half your life. The new defense element called "Parrying" is amazing. It is really easy to do and the reward of successfully doing it is satisfying. By simpling pushing forward on the control pad, as to move forward, right before your opponents attack connects you will parry the blow. What happens is totally up to you. You can decide to block, do a super art, grab him, parry the next hit, or just for laughs taunt your opponent. The parry made the game into a guessing game. Jumping toward your opponents was a scary thing to do in the previous versions because you couldn't block in the air. Your opponent could do an anti-air attack and you would be in a bad position. Now you can parry his anti-air and deal the damage to them instead. The game is probably very complicated for beginning players. There's a lot combos and the speed of the game is faster than previous games. The may not get the combos down or get the parry timing down. Some players take parrying way to far by trying to parry every attack I would do. They wouldn't parry the attack and I would deal a big chunk of damage to their life. Trying to do super arts maybe difficult at first but with practice it can be down at will. I still have a hard time doing supers when I want. But most people play it because they know its cool when your character can fire a big fireball from their hands to kill their opponent. Best part of this game is when you full parry a super art and finish off your opponent with a combo linking into your own super art. Its one of the most satisfying expierence a player can feel, trust me. Sun, 13 Jan 2008 23:16:42 CDThttps://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=1727&iddiary=3455Street Fighter Anniversary Collection (Street Fighter III: Third Strike) (PS2) - Sun, 13 Jan 2008 22:46:53https://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=1727Street Fighter III: Third Strike is a 2-d fighting game that is considered one of the best in our time. The game's objective is to get your opponents life bar to reach zero by doing connecting punches and kicks or the character's super art. The game still keeps its signature move sets like Ryu and Ken's fireball with more of an added twist. Game Play: I began to play this game two years ago at my local arcade in town. I was hooked by its new look and new game play. No more cheap victories for my opponents now. I now have a way to stop the cheap wins by just "Parrying" the attack, a new defense element. This idea really had me going. It brought the game to a whole new level for me. The characters to choose from seemed interesting. Only four characters were brought back from its last generation of street fighter two. The other fifteen characters really stood out and was interested into see which one i would like to play as. My favorite character of the bunch and now my main is Ibuki, the kunoichi. She doesn't have a fireball or hard hitting moves like most characters do but she speed and a lot of combos. There a lot of combination moves that could easily catch my opponent off guard. When playing with a friend the game really shines. I always enjoy playing with another person because I enjoy a little smack talking back and forth between my friends and me. Competition in this game is awesome. The parry makes such great contribution to playing with others. Sometimes a friend of mine will try to kill me with their super at technique. I will just parry all of it, take no damage, gain priority ,and began my own counter attack.Sun, 13 Jan 2008 22:46:53 CDThttps://www.gamelog.cl/logs/LogPage.php?Log_Id=1727&iddiary=3449