mdoyle's GameLogBlogging the experience of gameplay Smash Brothers Melee (GC) - Thu, 06 Mar 2008 02:10:25 The complex design of Super Smash Brother Melee has a lot to do with not just the amazing gameplay but also the complicated level design. The levels in Super Smash Brothers Melee move around and act in their own way as their own characters in the game. The levels make staying alive just as challenging as fighting the enemies themselves. Each level is specific to a certain character in the Nintendo Universe. This creates a more complex fictional background for more entertaining gameplay. The characters in Super Smash Brothers are so numerous and cover such a wide range of gaming eras which allows the game to appeal to almost everyone who has ever played a Nintendo game. In this way nostalgia is created which hooks gamers to commit to certain character and trying and master that fighting style. My personal favorite is Pikachu because I was always a fan of the tv show so I know first hand how addicting playing with the same character can be. Gameplay: The multi-player gameplay of Super Smash Brother Melee for the Nintendo Game Cube console is some of the best multi-player I have ever played. The amazing thing about the muti-player of Super Smash Brother Melee is that it never gets old. There are endless situations and scenarios which occur when you are playing in the multi-player realm. For this reason Super Smash Brothers is one of the best replay games of all time. I still play with my friends everyday. The fun thing about the game is the personal conflict it creates.Thu, 06 Mar 2008 02:10:25 CDT Smash Brothers Melee (GC) - Thu, 06 Mar 2008 01:49:34 Super Smash Brothers Melee is a 3d fighting game incorporating characters from the entire Nintendo universe. Gameplay: The gameplay of Super Smash Brothers is hands down some of the best gameplay of any game I have ever played. The single player is not much different from the standard "Mortal Combat" style fighting games except for the design of the health meter. The innovative use of percentages instead of the standard health bar not only makes for my dynamic gameplay but also lets Super Smash Brothers Melee stand out above the common fighting game. The artificial intelligence in Super Smash Brothers Melee is some of the most challenging and stimulating to date. The enemies almost seem to learn from your attacks and adjust their fighting style accordingly. The best thing about the enemies in Super Smash Brothers Melee is that avatars are the same regardless of whether you fight them as computers or as real life friends.Thu, 06 Mar 2008 01:49:34 CDT 64 (N64) - Thu, 21 Feb 2008 01:12:49 Mario 64 entry. Gameplay: After playing the game again I realized I had still not beaten every part of the game. There were actually a couple stars I still had not found yet. There were also many secrets in the game I had not unlocked, even after playing the game since I was about 13. This tells me that the developers of Mario 64 packed the game full of extras and secrets. In this way the game is never boring to play unless you devote years of time to exploring every aspect of the game. Design: Mario 64 is the first beautiful 3d representation of the usually 2d Mario universe. All of the famous characters including princess, toad, etc are present. The game is designed in such a way that the game physics play as much of an important role as the plot line and characters themselves. In this way the design of Mario 64 creates a duality in Mario's attempt to conquer not only his enemies but also gravity itself. Mario must jump, climb, swing and much more to reach his goal of victory.Thu, 21 Feb 2008 01:12:49 CDT 64 (N64) - Wed, 20 Feb 2008 22:50:28 The game I chose for this game log is Mario 64 for the Nintendo 64 console. Mario 64 is a free roaming 3d platform game. The simple object of the game, as is the case in most Mario titles, is to collect all of the stars and ultimately beat the usual antagonist, Bowser. You do this be making your way through many different worlds and levels cleverly organized as paintings on the walls of a mansion. Gameplay: The gameplay for Mario 64 is some of the best gameplay I have ever seen in a video game. The feeling of freedom including aspects such as gravity, friction and speed are executed flawlessly and rival even newer next generation platform games. Mario 64 laid the blueprints for many games to come which used the same free roaming style of gameplay. The first time I saw and played Mario 64 was in the video game isle of my local Toys R Us in Burbank California. I was instantly captivated by the simple controls and the amount of space I had to explore in this new kind of 3d environment. As you progress through the game you get more stars and eventually unlock new areas. This gives the player more incentive to play and gives the game more replay value. I can honestly say I still enjoy playing this game even after a decade of experience.Wed, 20 Feb 2008 22:50:28 CDT Band (360) - Sun, 10 Feb 2008 11:17:37 gamelog entry: Gameplay: Rock band is the crack of all video games. My second round of gameplay was better than my first round, mainly because I was getting better at the game and was able to play on the hardest game mode. As I was playing I realized the game itself is not that exciting after the 100th time. This is mainly because of the simple core game mechanic and the lack of decent songs. Even so, I was still compelled to keep playing to beat my existing score. Another reason I kept playing was because within my gaming community, my friends were always calling me out and saying they were better than me. This is of course absurd and I had to spend every making moment making sure I always had the upper hand. Design: The design of Rock band is almost identical to the design of Guitar Hero. The game consists of hitting the right colored button at the correct time. The game also includes custom characters you can develop and different venues you can unlock. Rock band has many different game modes including tutorial, quick play and battle mode. A major part of why Rock band is so fun is oddly enough because of the sound of the crowd. During the game if you are doing well the crowd will not only cheer but they will sing along with the song. On the other side if you play poorly the crowd will start to boo and eventually kick you off stage. This means in this way the game tugs at your pride and connects with you on a deeper level.Sun, 10 Feb 2008 11:17:37 CDT Band (360) - Sun, 10 Feb 2008 10:55:39 I chose to do my third gamelog entry on the newest phenomenon sweeping across gaming communities which is of course, Rock band. Rock band is a polished Guitar Hero style game with the inclusion of the drums and the microphone for karaoke. The game consists of hitting the correct colored button at the right time. Gameplay: The Gameplay of Rock Band is very similar to the gameplay of Guitar Hero. So similar in fact that when I talk to others about playing either Rock band or Guitar Hero I usually get mixed up trying to remember which is which. The main and most obvious difference, or improvement, between Guitar Hero and Rock band is the drum pad. What I like most about the drum pad is when you are playing on expert mode it actually feels like you are playing drums. Or at least the drum pad is more realistic to drums compared to the guitar controller. Which is basically just a five button controller held on its side to resemble a guitar. In this way Rock band is expanding on this new music based video game craze. After playing for several hours I realized I had never been more addicted to a video game. I thought about why the game was so fun an realized it has a lot to do with the community that surrounds the game. The game can be played single player but is the most fun played with four people. When there is more than one person playing the game is not only more challenging but also much more dynamic. If one person in the group is not doing well other members can "save" them from death and bring them back to life. There is also a bit of showing off in this game which is another thing that makes it so fun. Everyone wants to show off how well they can do on a particular song on a particular difficulty and compare it to how well their friends do.Sun, 10 Feb 2008 10:55:39 CDT Kart (Wii) - Mon, 28 Jan 2008 18:02:51 don't know why the first 2nd entry I send did not work. Anyway here it is again. I hope I still can receive credit. Summary: One of my favorite things about Mario Kart is they way no two games are the same. In this way the game has tons of replay value because anything can and will happen. After playing the game again with my friends I realized this game is just as fun today as it was 10 years ago. The game now has a lot to do with finding the shortcuts and even some of the game "glitches" which help the player get through the track faster. The mastering of these difficult techniques can mean the difference between first and last especially when racing experienced players. This makes gamers want to play over and over until they have proven themselves to their peers. Design: The game design in Mario Kart is some of the best game design I have ever seen. By todays standards the graphics are hardly state of the art yet the driving physics, especially the drifting, rivals even most newer racing games. Mario Kart also has a beautiful items system which adds just that much more depth to the game. The items also make the races more interesting and adds much more strategy to the simple racing game. The characters are unique and memorable, mostly due to the games vivid sounds and images. Overall there is a reason Mario Kart has stood the test of time. This is because as far as racing games go, it is a God among peons.Mon, 28 Jan 2008 18:02:51 CDT Kart (Wii) - Fri, 25 Jan 2008 18:38:41 Mario Kart is a 3d racing game for the Nintendo 64 console. There are 8 familiar characters from the Mario universe to choose from including bowser, peach, toad, etc. The game is played in one of 2 different game modes. Traditional racing where you have to be the first to cross the finish line and battle mode where everyone has three lives and the game doesn't end until there is only 1 player left. The game can be played single or multi-player. The games multi-player option is where the game really shines and is why I still enjoy it today. Gameplay: Mario Kart is one of my all time favorite games. It is one of the only games I have been consistently playing for over a decade and still think is fun. I've played the game so much now that I have somewhat mastered every aspect of it. The only reason the game hasn't gotten old is because there are other people who think they are better. Competition to be the best is the driving force in this game. The game is more fun with more players. Playing one on one is ok but the games where I am jumping off my seat usually involve 4 player action. This creates a social network of people who competitively enjoy striving to be number one. Mario Kart is an amazing game because it takes minutes to learn and years to master. Whenever I find someone as excited about Mario Kart as I am I get goosebumps with the anticipation of owning them. The reason Mario Kart is fun is because there will always be people who think they are the best, and in their small gaming circle at home they might be. But here in the college prison system better known as the dorms gamers and geeks alike from all over the country congregate and get to test their skills and prove who really is the best driver.Fri, 25 Jan 2008 18:38:41 CDT Fortress 2 (PC) - Tue, 15 Jan 2008 18:05:19 The game I played for this gamelog entry was Team Fortress 2. Team Fortress 2 or TF2 is the long awaited sequel to the original half-life modification, Team Fortress Classic. The game is a team based first person shooter which emphasizes a class based structure of play. There are nine character classes to choose from which balance out each other quite well. The game is usually a classic capture the flag format and played exclusively online, being as there is no first player mode. GAMEPLAY I thought the gameplay overall was very smooth. I will admit at first I was a bit apprehensive about the new "cartoon" based modeling. Yet the more I played the game the more I started to appreciate the art aspect of the game. I also noticed that the gameplay did not suffer from this dramatic art change. Yet it actually is an improvement on the first Team Fortress. My favorite part of the game of was finding a character best suited for my favorite style of play. The spy was the obvious choice and I must say I get more kills as a spy than any other class because it fits the style of gameplay I am good at. With this innovative class based shooter style TF2 offers multiple gameplay styles within one battle. This allows the player to choose his or her favorite way to succeed in the game. TF2 also shines as a multi player team based shooter. One important feature that makes TF2 a fun multi player game is the in game chat. This program allows anyone with a microphone to easily communicate, in real time, with hes or her team who could be anywhere in the world. This game is extremely difficult without the use of teamwork. This encourages positive social play because if everyone works well together than the entire team will benefit. Mostly in the form of personal stats, server stats and most importantly, bragging rights. GAMEPLAY MY second round of gameplay was a little more fun than the first round because by now I knew which class I could do some real damage with. This means the game has good replay value, being as gamers want to master their favorite class then eventually move on to all of the classes. I did a lot better as I learned that teamwork is not only important but essential to have fun and succeed in this game. Once I learned more about the game I could understand commands given and even give out some commands of my own to help the team complete a common goal. In this way the game forms bonds and even a gaming community. From these connections friendships, clans and even entire gaming communities form in a ripple effect. DESIGN What makes TF2 a good game is many things. First of all its innovative use of a class structure creates a complex game that is simple and balanced. The game also has an impressive art style which does not take away from the gameplay but actually adds to it. The game also utilizes the Half Life 2 engine which recreates lifelike physics even in a cartoon based animated world. The reward structure in the game is very well done. At the end of every round the losing team must literally run and hide, their weapons rendered useless, while the winning team hunts them down effortlessly for extra points. This means you are playing not just for points but for also your pride. The game also does a great job of logging all of your stats and showing them to you during the games loading screens. This logging system lets you easily compare your stats and keep record and how well you have done. In this way the game is encouraging repeat play to always improve stats.Tue, 15 Jan 2008 18:05:19 CDT