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    Absolute2's Aquaria (PC)

    [October 5, 2009 06:17:49 PM]
    Entry 1

    Aquaria is a side scrolling 2D game. In this game you control Naija. Naija is an underwater creature that is similar to a human but she has gills, webbed hands feet and ears, and is green with white hair. The story starts off telling you about the "Verse" (essentially the "Force", but it's in the water). You go from there and start to explore the world around you. This is more of an action adventure game, however it mostly focuses on exploration and puzzle solving.

    The game starts off by telling you a brief story of your character. It says your name is Naija and you follow the "Verse", and so on while showing you a moving picture of Naija face. After this you start off in a very docile underground cave. From here the tutorial on movement begins. It says in big letters to click the screen in the direction you want to move. This is a very simple gameplay mechanic that seems to work very well. By making the movement interface the mouse, it allows a good level of depth in the movement. Instead of using arrow keys that are simple buttons, you have the control to move faster by clicking the mouse farther away from Naija. You have a burst movement by clicking the screen and an even stronger burst from clicking when you are against a wall. I really like how simple the controls are and how easy it is to master them. Granted this is still only a couple minutes in, it makes it easy to pick the game up.
    Next you move out of your little underwater cove and start to explore whats around. After a little bit of swimming and familiarizing myself with the area, I came to a plant with a green bulb at the top. The tutorial screen comes up and tells me to sing to it by pressing down the right mouse button. When I do this, I find a circular kind of chart with about eight different symbols and colors on it. It then says to hold my curser over the corresponding color that matched the plant bulb. When this was done, the bulb spit up an odd orb shaped thing. I moved my character over to it and when I got it, it said that I have learned how to prepare the "Rice Roll". I checked what that meant in my pause screen, and it told me that I now knew how to make this item and it gave me a list of the indgredients needed to make it. Here is where I also found out about my shield spell. This is where I have to give the game credit. By using this song/spell casting system, you can find all kinds of new spells by messing around with the different symbols. I must have spent five to ten minutes alone on this part, trying to find new combinations before im supposed to know them. However I failed to find any more.
    So far I have found this game to be more fun than I expected. One of my favorite things about this game is the fact that you can creat a whirlpool by moving in a circle really fast. I have done this a bunch and have not found any use for it other than my amusement, however that doesn't stop me from doing it when I get the chance. The story thus far has not really intrigued me, nor does it seem to have much to do with the gameplay at the moment. But at the end of the day I really like the gameplay over the story. Now, it's still early in the game, but their approach to Naija (your main character) feels like it's lacking. They explain her as basically having amnesia and not remembering much at all. She remembers basic things like her name and where she is, but she says that she doesn't know if there are any more of her people, or where she came from, or even how she came to be. This I am a little dissapointed in, however like I have been saying, this is still very early on.
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    Absolute2's Aquaria (PC)

    Current Status: Finished playing

    GameLog started on: Monday 5 October, 2009

    GameLog closed on: Tuesday 20 October, 2009

    Absolute2's opinion and rating for this game

    A well drawn up game by two independent game developers. Not a big fan of 2D games but this is worth a try.

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstar

    Related Links

    See Absolute2's page

    See info on Aquaria

    More GameLogs
    other GameLogs for this Game
    1 : Aquaria (PC) by dbGamer (rating: 5)
    2 : Aquaria (PC) by JDcsc126 (rating: 5)
    3 : Aquaria (PC) by Scrawnto (rating: 5)
    4 : Aquaria (PC) by thattoddguy (rating: 5)


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