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    MBergdorf's The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (PC)

    [April 6, 2017 11:16:37 PM]

    There are so many choices to make that have real consequences, but again, there's no real "good/evil" meter that you sit on. Just deal with what happens. I think that more games that implement choice systems need to have this sort of morality system. That is to say, none at all. I really appreciate that the world just feels alive due to always being at least kind of shitty. You have to deal with the evil emperor by staging his assassination. Saving the mages means that the non-humans get the shit end of the stick, and you have friends on both sides. The moral decision, the moral system, the influencing factors, that's all up to you. Maybe different people have different opinions, but that's life. What an excellent RPG!
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    [April 5, 2017 10:49:42 PM]
    Ah, great. Now it's not even neutral vs. slightly less neutral. Now it's just straight-up two evils. The baron wants to find out what happened to his wife and child, but the witches won't tell you unless you sacrifice a bunch of children to them. So you can either hurt one family or not help multiple families. Are you a man of the people or are you a man of your word? Remember, your adopted daughter needs your help, but will also wonder what you've been up to.

    Everything sucks in this world, but that's just real life, isn't it? Disease, corruption, war, moral ambiguity, straight-up demons... Everything sucks, and this game is the best because of it. How can you possibly be a good person despite all of this stuff happening around you?
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    [April 4, 2017 11:53:53 PM]
    You are free to your choices, but you are not free from your consequences.

    Your tutorial town is an entire lordship, and it's pretty indicative of further gameplay. You get your standard D&D starter inn, you can play cards with the patrons and the barkeep, and get one quest of each type. As you talk to each of the big figures in town, it becomes very evident that you won't be able to please everyone, which means pissing off at least one very important character. Even the act of defending yourself can result in seriously negative consequences.

    But there's no meter. No honor system, no "good guy/bad guy" dynamic, no "law vs. chaos," nothing. Just the people around you, and the way they treat you.
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    MBergdorf's The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (PC)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Tuesday 4 April, 2017

    MBergdorf's opinion and rating for this game

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    14 : The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (PC) by SMG (rating: 5)


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