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    angelarvizucruz's GameLog for Prison Architect (PC)

    Friday 30 March, 2018

    The game’s story continues to get more and more intense. It seems everything will be connected in one way or another. I appreciate games who manage to tie together multiple story threads together in a coherent manner. Gameplay continues to evolve and grow and I continue to be amazed by it. I said so before, the mechanic is simply just clicking and dragging, nothing else. It’s an amazing example of how a simple gameplay system can be expanded upon to have so mechanics. The ability to shakedown inmates is crazy, it sent my whole prison into a panic. At least, it seemed to be a panic by how everyone began to run around and my screen began to show me all the contraband that was being found. I was supposed to be finding drugs, but what came up were weapons, poisons, money, and alcohol, along with the drugs. It was crazy. Due to this, I was tasked with building rooms for therapy and counseling to take place in for those who were addicts. The only requirements were for them to be common areas and to have eight chairs. They’re simple requirements, but I was able to deck it out and make it look pretty nice.

    Then came the riot in the next chapter. Three chapters in and I was still learning new mechanics. This is where the game got very serious for me, as it showed you via polaroids the chaos happening inside. I panicked, trying to get the situation under control to no avail. I had to wait for riot guards to arrive and then use them to take back the prison. This was as far as I got, but if prison architect is a true job, they have guts of steel.


    You have some great analysis here Angel! One particularly interesting analysis you have is in your role as CEO and how your only obligation is to keeping the prisoners alive. There are some major moral implications with that gameplay loop.

    Saturday 7 April, 2018 by cwesting
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