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    refereelarry's GameLog for Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64)

    Friday 25 January, 2008


    The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time is an acclaimed 3D action/adventure game for the Nintendo 64. The player follows an intricate story as Link, a Kokiri child, who stumbles into the midst of a grand scheme of evil to rule the world. Link ends up fulfilling his destiny as the Hero of Time and saving the world from Ganondorf, king of the Gerudo. One completes puzzles and acquires items in this enticing, well-balanced game.

    Gameplay 1:

    This game is wonderfully crafted and has one the best stories ever seen in a video game. The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time won game of the year when it came out in November 1998. It was the best selling game of that year as well. It is extremely fun to play right from the beginning.
    There are multiple fundamental aspects of gameplay that Ocarina of Time perfects. The opening is inviting and it allows you to get accustomed to the controls scheme of the game. This game flows smoothly in its narrative, level design, and character development. The story unfolds little by little as the player learns more by interacting with characters and defeating bosses. The story is pleasantly original and intricate, and incorporates details observed during the beginning of play throughout the game’s span. This is one of the best games released to date.

    Gameplay 2:

    Ocarina of Time has two distinct parts to the plotline. As a child, you get a feel for the map and how the game plays while beating three dungeons and accumulating weapons. Later, more storyline is revealed and a cinematic plays when you pick up the ocarina of time. You wake up as an adult, the hero of time, and you continue playing in a world much changed. It is 7 years later and the world is corrupt. The game really picks up at this point and has a heroic feel to it. It is very rewarding to systematically clean out the dungeons one by one and work on hunting down Ganondorf.
    I have many fond memories of playing this game as a child and did not hesitate for a second to pick it up again and examine its design elements. For me, it is one of those nostalgic games that I played with my brother and felt so happy when I acquired an item or beat a dungeon. This type of game has a magical quality to it and is what gaming is all about- having fun and feeling happy while playing.


    After playing farther through the game, one can get past his initial gawking of its beauty and delve into the finer details of its design. The level design is simple yet outstanding with scenery ranging from a rainy graveyard to a sunny ranch to a lava-filled mountain. The variety of levels and dungeons is satisfying.
    The controls for this game are innovative considering what was released at that time and in the past. Z-Targeting is a major battle tactic that allows for useful and quick camera orientation during puzzles or in a fight. The musical score is superb including sound effects for every little instance and event. As one progresses through the game, you learn various songs for your ocarina that can be played in certain instances for a desired effect. Useful and catchy, this idea was groundbreaking at the time.
    This is a single player game that does not allow for any multiplayer whatsoever. That is not to say you can’t be with friends as you battle Ganondorf in the final showdown, but there is no online functionality nor multiplayer function in the game. Despite this detail, the game’s story is captivating beyond measure and is in itself a reason to purchase a Nintendo 64 system.


    "This is exactly what we're looking for, great work." You hit main key points of what we want to see in your game logs! Just keep at it!

    -Theodore Reid (Grader)

    Sunday 27 January, 2008 by DragoTJ
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