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    Jinaud's GameLog for Super Columbine Massacre RPG (PC)

    Sunday 22 February, 2009

    The game has a very anti-consumerism idea to it, that almost seems out of place in the context of the game. It seemed as if the Game Designer decided to throw it in just because he needed to have a rant from the main character. While in the park, right before going into the school and beginning the shooting. He goes into a huge anti-consumerist rant about how society tells you to do so many sit-ups and push-ups and if you buy this coat you'll be cool, or if you buy this color of pants you'll be all the rage. Now I'm not saying that there aren't problems with pop-culture and the incessant need to buy things in order to be part of the 'in' crowd. But it just seemed odd in this game. As I said earlier, there was a lot of pop-culture blaming and scapegoating by the media. But here the Artist makes the character go on this anti-consumerist rant. It just doesn't fit. Obviously we don't know the whole story behind the real shooters. We know they had a distaste for society, but I don't remember hearing anything about how they hated consumerism. It's obvious an artistic license, but it's one that isn't really necessary. In a game full of meaning, handling such a serious topic, is it necessary for the artist to inject this out-of-nowhere rant? It just seems as if the artist needed a rant to keep interest in the game, and make the characters seem angrier, so he just made stuff up. Artistic license is one thing, but there normally is a point, or it serves to further a point.


    "It just seems as if the artist needed a rant to keep interest in the game"

    I think the question is whether Ledonne put that in OR if the shooters truly believed that. Ledonne used the information released by the Police as background research and it is entirely possible (probable, even) that a lot of that commentary is based on the journals that the shooters kept.

    Thursday 26 February, 2009 by jp
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