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    In_Memory's GameLog for Super Columbine Massacre RPG (PC)

    Sunday 25 October, 2009

    The same sick feeling persisted through this day's round of Super Columbine Massacre. It is the first time I have played a game with a completely blank expression both on my face and in my head.

    Today the shooting started in the game after a brief soliliquy in which the idiot boys continued to ramble out their nonscensical world-view which has already been discussed. When the shooting occured, there was something that really popped out about the 'social' aspect of thi version of Columbine.

    The first of which is the difference i which boys and girls were portrayed. The boys fought back, somewhat effectively (though, against guns and knives, there is an obvious limit to effectivenedd). The girls ... cried. While this crying healed them, I find it hard to imagine that in reality a girl would just sit there and cry as she is being slashed to death. This difference in the roles that gender plays in the victims make the game feel rather shallow and forced.

    A second aspect of these victim students that stands out if the classifications they fall under. There are jocks, preppy girls, sheltered girls. church girls/boys, etc. These classifications make it feel as if this game takes place in an old-fashioned teenage drama show (Although, I did enjoy the 'bumpkin cherub' with his overalls). While I can see an attempt to try and lighten the mood created by slaughtering high school students by putting them under such stereotypical classifications, the beginning of the game echoed eerily realistic in mood; these classifications make the game seem just as pathetic as the idiot boys it attempts to illustrate.


    As far as I know, nobody fought back during the actual shootings. Do you think that the fact that some characters do fight back in the game detracts from its point?

    Wednesday 4 November, 2009 by jp
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