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    pandat1m3's GameLog for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC)

    Tuesday 21 September, 2010

    My last log on San Andreas is about the Las Vegas area of the game known as Las Venturas. This area of the game is all about sex, gambling, more killing, and more drugs. One of the missions require you to dress up as a Gimp which to some people would really gross out. This final area in the game represents Las Vegas with the "new strip" and the "old strip". Both contain flashing lights, casinos, clubs, pretty women, fast cars, and violence. This area may be prettier than the ghetto I started out in but the things that go on are no better than the previous areas. Overall this game is very fun if you are not offended easily because this game heavily relies on stereotypes, sex, and violence. This is not something I would let children play as they would not know it is fictional.


    "This is not something I would let children play as they would not know it is fictional."

    So, the fact that it's rated "M" (i.e. not for kids) wouldn't factor in your decision? I'm curious.

    Wednesday 29 September, 2010 by jp

    The rating board may be helpful as guidance for some parents but If I had kids I would allow them to play rated M games depending on how mature they are for their age. If I had a son who is able to determine what is real and fictional I would not mind him playing a game like this. I started playing Grand Theft Auto 3 when I was age 11 and it had no major impact on my decision making and it did not corrupt my thought process. So to me it really depends on the maturity level of the person playing. You could have a 17 year old who is old enough to play but if they are not mature enough and cannot distinguish between fake and real they should not play it. Age is not the factor here. It is all about maturity.

    Wednesday 29 September, 2010 by pandat1m3
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