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    Nov 24th, 2009 at 14:03:22     -    Bookworm Adventures- The Monkey King (PC)

    Nice way to burn time. The graphics aren't ultra crisp, but that doesn't take away from the core game-play. Very challenging, but can be simple if you want. The choice is yours.

    I enjoy the storyline, the side shows are pretty funny. I like the way that the sidekick you choose can make the difference between finishing the level and not, choose wisely. I like the challenge of finding the biggest words.

    Overall, I think this game is well done. I will(and have) continue to play this fun and educational game.

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    Nov 24th, 2009 at 13:58:41     -    Spelunky (PC)

    Spelunky is too addictive! I am constantly challenged by the ever changing caves. No patterns to learn! Just, challenging gameplay.

    I don't mind the blocky graphics, I grew up in a time when they were the norm. I agree that the new movie-like graphics are great, but this game harkens to a simpler time. This is a nice departure from today's "perfect" graphics.

    Even though I have been unable to get past the third level, I still can't stop playing this game. Simple challenges are, sometimes, the best. Find the treasure, the girl, and the exit. What could be easier than that, right?

    Overall, I enjoy this game and will play it often.

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    Nov 24th, 2009 at 13:53:22     -    Aquaria (PC)

    Got a little farther this time, though, not much. I have trouble with the transition between characters and this takes away from the fun of the game for me. I get stuck as the wrong character and can't change back.

    The overall beauty of the game is it's redeeming quality. The world you explore is visually stimulating, to say the least. There is always a place to find something new or a room you have to figure out how to get to.

    The game is well thought out, most puzzles seem to be pretty logical. At first, it was tough, but as you play you look for more clues. My experience with this game has been a good one. I can find most of the answers I need to move forward with only a slight challenge.

    I have enjoyed playing this game and will continue to explore Najia's world. I hope others will too.

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    Nov 24th, 2009 at 13:46:47     -    The Legend of Zelda (NES)

    I like The legend of Zelda. I think it was a wonderful game for it's time. The graphic, though not cutting edge, were great for their day. The story is engrossing, an adventure to save the princess is always a good way to go.

    Gameplay is simple to learn, it is easy to choose the tools you need. The map is huge, it is fairly easy to get lost, but easy to get unlost. The goals are straight forward, beat the bosses to reach new level and ,ultimately, find the princess.

    Some of the bosses are quite challenging and take several tries to beat. I like the way the programmers mixed it up, though. You can power through a few levels, picking up new hearts and tools along the way. Which, hopefully, help you to get through the boss level you are stuck on.

    Overall, I still believe that this is one of the best games I have played. I have always enjoyed Zelda games, they are challenging and fun.

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    Entries written to date: 8
      Game Status / Read GameLog
    1Aquaria (PC)Playing
    2Bookworm Adventures- The Monkey King (PC)Playing
    3Spelunky (PC)Playing
    4The Legend of Zelda (NES)Playing


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