Mar 2nd, 2010 at 01:31:21 - Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas (PS2) |
In this game, vehicles that we can steal during the play is not just limited to general cars. There are various kind of things we can use without any trouble. For example, we can use air plane, jet, tank and so on. Some of those things are military vehicles and not really easy to control or use by amateur who uses common cars. We can use any cars with very tough driving skills and just run, steal, attack others who interrupt into our process to the goal.
No matter how much the real ability is limited, in the game, it cannot be possible that there are any problems or dangerousnesses when we use those stuffs. This feature can cause insensitivity toward safety among the users. In the real world, the possibility that accident will happen is not really rare but really common in every day lives of people. Therefore, if someone plays this game so much then starts to confuse the real and fantasy in the game play, this feature or weakness of the game can result in the tragedy.
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Mar 2nd, 2010 at 00:15:32 - Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas (PS2) |
I have never experienced some games that I have to attack others and chase something before I met this one. It is pretty interesting that there is nothing to care about except getting the car and going where I have to go. This seems like people can express their inherent violence and favor to act as one pleases through this game.
However, it can be possible that this affect people whose concepts of ethics and social morality are not quite established well like teenagers and children. In the game, we do not have to keep traffic order and to follow basic rules like "do not steal others' possessions"-as we know from the title of the game, main activity we have to do in this game is stealing others' cars. Moreover, attacking or killing other human beings is also accepted as "ok" thing if it is useful to achieve our characters' goals. This characteristic can negatively affect teenagers and children when they found their idea of ethics and social rules.
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