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    Mar 4th, 2007 at 15:06:20     -    Super Smash Brothers (N64)

    So I found a friend of mine was heavily into Smash Bros, and decided to challenge her. Right away, she was confident that she'd give me an ass-whooping. That's the thing with this game; confidence and ego are mainstays and are almost required. When someone says he's good, he means it. Likewise, if they suck, that's always 100% true.

    She chose Kirby, and I chose Fox. A minute into the 3-life match, and I could see why she chose that particular character. Kirby's air Down-A is a move that sends the recipient shooting downwards. If this occurs over the edge, he will shoot straight down. Her strategy immediately became trying to get me off the edge. I still won easily, as I realized that apart from this particular move, her ground game was pretty weak (especially compared to Link's).

    Moments like these bring out why Super Smash is such a good game. Any strategy, be it deemed "cheap" or "unfair" can easily be countered if the player knows what he (or she) is doing.

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    Mar 4th, 2007 at 14:58:47     -    Super Smash Brothers (N64)

    I got this game a year after it was released, and it's pretty much changed my life. I unlocked all 4 secret characters within a week, became unbeatable until I met a friend who could dodge attacks with impunity, and generally played it all the time with friends.

    The use of classic Nintendo characters is what gives this game its charm. Take those away, and you have a solid fighter without a lot of heart. It's the same reason seeing Link in Soul Calibur 2 for the GameCube is so fun; everyone wants to kick ass with Nintendo characters. Fox and Link are mainstay characters for me, and I've become adept enough that I can take on anyone with any character.

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    Feb 13th, 2007 at 00:41:38     -    Clubhouse Games (DS)

    So I played this with my girlfriend on the flight from Phoenix to San José. We played Chinese checkers, as it was a game both of us could get into easily. The DS is amazing in regards to its "DS Download Play". A half minute or so of transferring data, and the DS without the cartridge can get full play on any game of the cart owner's choice.

    We added two more computer opponents to make the game board more interesting. At this point, whenever one plays Clubhouse games, it becomes more of an interaction of the actual game you want to play, rather than clubhouse games as a whole. Clubhouse Games doesn't offer anything original at all whatsoever. They're banking on people knowing how to play most of the games available, and have detailed rules for games you necessarily don't know how to play.

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    Feb 13th, 2007 at 00:34:36     -    Clubhouse Games (DS)

    Clubhouse games is awesome in that it provides so many small games, each individually not worth the price of even a bargain-priced game, but rather a whole collection of good games.

    As it is, they are all games of emergence. The only progression I can see is playing through stamp mode, which earns you the ability to use stamps in the online chatting. The online Pictochat is rife with profanity and general naughtiness, in that people tend to post penises, vaginas, iPod ads, burning Twin Towers, as well as every iteration of "zomg hurry up" that one can think of.

    My favorite games so far are connect 5, chess, bowling, and chinese checkers. Texas Hold 'em is in it, but it's an extremely limited version, with a game limit of only five hands. It's lame. The other games are solid and fun, and provide many hours of entertainment. Having a person to play with is even better, as you can play any of the games between multiple ds' with only one cartridge.

    More later.

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    1Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin (DS)Playing
    2Clubhouse Games (DS)Playing
    3Clubhouse Games (DS)Playing
    4Final Fantasy XII (PS2)Playing
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