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    Jan 19th, 2007 at 01:46:47     -    Super Mario 64 (N64)

    I realize now that the purpose of Mario 64 was to introduce gamers to the third demension in a classic game genre, the platformer. More importantly, it introduced the analog control stick as a control device. Most of the difficulty in my original playthrough 10 years ago consisted of fighting with the camera or Mario running when I only wanted him to walk. Playing through it now, I've mastered the analog stick so the controls are no problem, but the camera controls are still choppy and often unfriendly to the player. One of the most important elements of a game is that the player has to be aware of their placement in relation to the placement of enemies, holes, coins, etc. Also, when a player has to stop and re-adjust the camera, it completely breaks the immersion of the game.

    Despite the frustrations with the camera controls, Mario 64 stays true to the Mario gameplay experience and was the perfect introduction to analog controls.

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    Jan 19th, 2007 at 00:55:14     -    Super Mario 64 (N64)

    I recently downloaded Mario 64 for the Virtual Console on my Nintendo Wii, since it's the only Nintendo 64 game available. I beat it a long time ago when the Nintendo 64 first came out, so playing it all over again gives me a lot of nostolgia.

    I remember that it used to be very difficult when I was a child, but now with my experience playing games for 10 years after it was originally released I breeze through the levels on auto-pilot. It must have taken me a week to get to and beat the first Bowser encounter the first time I played Mario 64, but now I did it in a couple of hours. When the game doesn't present a challenge, it's not near as fun.

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    Jan 12th, 2007 at 00:32:48     -    World of Warcraft (PC)

    I played in two groups over the past 2 hours, one successful, and one unsuccessful. The first one was a disaster. Myself and four other random people with no strategy and no experience playing with each other. People were trying to boss each other around and the party died 3 times due to one member not doing his job, so I and another person decided to leave.

    In World of Warcraft, while 75% of the content can be done solo, the parts that require groups require everybody do a good job. It doesn't matter how much damage I do if the warrior can't keep the zombies from eating me or the healer can't keep the warrior alive to keep the zombies from eating me.

    After the failed group, some people from my guild asked me if I wanted to join their group. I've played with these people before, we all get along, and we all know what we're doing. The run went perfectly smoothly, nobody ever died once. We all talked while we played and had a great time. Nobody fought over any loot that dropped, nobody was greedy.

    That's one of the things I love about World of Warcraft, the social element. It doesn't matter how good you are at actually playing the game, you have to balance that with being a friendly person so that people enjoy playing with you.

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    Jan 11th, 2007 at 22:12:38     -    World of Warcraft (PC)

    So recently, World of Warcraft was updated with a new patch to prepare the servers for a new expansion pack that comes out next week. Part of this patch included changing around the talents for many classes of characters. Talents are the main way to personalize one's playstyle, and part of the talent changes to my class included removing an ability that I had based my whole playstyle around.

    Being forced to select a new character build so close to the expansion pack coming out, I decided to begin familiarizing myself with it. At first, all I could think about was how much I missed the ability I was forced to give up. For awhile I was extremely distracted by it, but I learned to live without it and played around with my new abilities on some weak enemies.

    I found that while I lacked the survivability I had before, my offense had been boosted to the point that survivability ceased to matter. While I'd be in trouble during longer, more difficult fights, fights that normally were quick were now even faster. I would have never picked the talent build I currently have if the ability I used to rely on was still available, so I guess it was a good thing that I was forced to give it up and try new things. Now that I've familiarized myself with my new playstyle while soloing, I'm going to try to find a group to play some 5-10 player content and see how my new playstyle works in a group setting.

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