Jan 28th, 2013 at 21:09:20 - Left 4 Dead (PC) |
Today, was just one of those days, that I was free, so I decided to play left for dead. I played the 1st chapter of the game, which I had played before but I enjoyed playing it before so I played it again. The level/chapter started on the top of a building where the left for dead survivors were stranded. Their goal is to make it to the helicopter pad near the hospital and then call for help and eventually be rescued.
When I first began to play, I wasn't to serious about moving with the story line, so I randomly shot any object I saw for a little while. I eventually started playing properly and finally made it to the helicopter rescue pad. I called for help, fought off some zombies and monster like creatures for about five minutes, while me and the other survivors were waiting for the helicopter to arrive. The helicopter eventually came and the survivors and I boarded it and we flew to safety. After we were flow away safety, the game stats came up; I skipped them and then turned the came off, until the next I have time or willing to play it some more.
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