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    Jan 18th, 2007 at 16:16:52     -    Shadow of the Colossus (PS2)

    When I first started up the game, I wasn't really amazed by anything really. It is not the type of game I usually play, but I figured I should try to enjoy it as best as I could. The opening cutscene gave a little background story. Basically I had to kill these colossi to bring the girl back to life. The first thing I noticed as I walked out to find the first colossus was that there were no enemies or anything, so this game is all about boss battles. In order to get to the first colossus, I had to climb a cliff, requiring some patience because the jumping system isn't very great. I found it hard to direct my jump a lot because the camera angle kept adjusting itself. The first boss was just some giant. In order to kill him, I had to jump on the back of his leg, stab it until it got dropped to its knees, climb up his arm onto his back, and finally once I reached the head, I stabbed it until it died. I thought it was interesting and simple enough.

    The next boss didn't require me to do any jumping exercises to get to. It was some giant turtle thing. It had weak points on the soles of its feet, so I had to figure out that I had to shoot them with arrows in order for it to drop down so that I could climb on its back and do the same thing that I did to the last boss. So within about 30 mins I was able to take out the first two bosses. I figured this game was going to be pretty easy.

    ... continued onto next post.

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    Jan 12th, 2007 at 04:28:45     -    Gears of War (360)

    ... continued from last post.

    Since I play with the same people a lot, we all know the strategies certain players will use on certain maps, and we all try to counter strategize. It makes the game fun and usually leads to learning new and more effective strategies. As I've talked about in my last gamelog, a tactic I like to use is weapon camping. If there is a particularly dangerous player that I would like to get rid of, I find the weapon that that player likes to use, camp it, and kill that player rather than fighting that player out in the open where I have a chance of dying. Of course that tactic usually doesn't work more than once because then that player will start to be suspicious and check if I'm there before picking up a weapon. Since I use this tactic a lot, I guess it would be safe to categorize myself as a sneaky player. I'm not the type to openly engage the opposing team, I would much rather catch an opponent by surprise, giving me an advantage over them. Bringing this back to the team thing, I personally think it is better to have a team composed of like-minded players because that way teammates can agree better on tactics. I personally do not like to play defensively, allowing the other team to do whatever they want, while waiting for them to find us. I bring this up because during my play I was in such a team and I felt that I played worse for the sole reason that I was not able to do what I do best. Needless to say, I didn't enjoy my gaming experience as much because I was losing more than I'm used to, but Gears of War is still a great game.

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    Jan 12th, 2007 at 04:28:33     -    Gears of War (360)

    After getting used to the new maps, I played in a private match with some friends of mine. The difference between regular matches and the private matches I play is that with the private matches, I can play knowing that each and every player is capable and not new to the game. It makes for a much more exciting match. I guess that brings up a point about online gaming. In games that revolve around team play, it sucks not having a group of people with whom you play with a lot and can develop strategies with because a lot of the time, winning matches comes down to having good teamwork rather than having that one player who is really good. Of course if each team is communicating effectively, then it will come down to tactics and skill.

    ... continued onto next post.

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    Jan 11th, 2007 at 21:27:08     -    Gears of War (360)

    ... continued from last post.

    The next map is Raven Down. After the first few rounds I realize that the battle gets very hectic because the map is small, so it is very hard to hide. It ends up being a shotgun/chainsaw fest. There are only 2 grenade pick-ups on this map. The rounds end very fast compared to all other maps. Usually on other maps, when it gets down to 1v1, the battle comes to a slowdown where the 2 players are searching for each other, while hiding from each other at the same time. This is almost impossible to do on this map, leading to short rounds.

    After playing each of the maps a few times and reflecting on what each has to offer, I have to say I enjoy both maps, but that I am also disappointed by them. I enjoy them because they are refreshing and force me to think up new tactics for them, but they are disappointing mainly because of the weapon selection. Neither map had any torque bows or hammer of dawns, as well as some of the weaker weapon pick-ups. Although it is possible to plug the weapons in with the weapon swap option when creating a game, I would have liked the designers to focus on all the power weapons with the new maps.

    Well I'm sure I've talked a lot already, so I'll end this gamelog here for now. I'm off to play some more Gears of War for more stuff to write about in my next game log.

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