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    Jan 20th, 2017 at 19:46:25     -    Life Is Strange (XBONE)

    It's been about 4 hours, and a lot has happened. I rewrote history in its entirety only to bring it back to normal. This overuse of my power isn't without cost, and I'm kind of scared to see what the final bill will be. Had a kind of meta talk with a science teacher in game who reminded me that time is fragile, so fragile that one little tug can send it into disarray. But people are getting hurt. My power can help but bad people away, I'm just going to have to hope that the forces of time and space can handle this strain.

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    Jan 20th, 2017 at 15:12:03     -    Life Is Strange (XBONE)

    I've been playing for about 40 min. The MC and an assistant broke into a building for confidential files. That in it of itself is rather immoral, but during the investigation, the assistant found $5000 in an envelope marked "handicapped fund." The money could have been very helpful to the MC's cause, but stealing (from the handicapped no less) is wrong. My high ground isn't very high though considering I'm doing this while breaking and entering. Only time will tell if I made the right decision.

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    Jan 19th, 2017 at 04:09:31     -    Life Is Strange (XBONE)

    I've played for 2 1/2 hours. It's become apparent that overuse of the MC's power causes physical harm to the user. This brings up a serious question: is putting yourself in harms way to save others ok? Is it morally responsible to essentially rewrite history, distorting reality even closer to a breaking point. It's also apparent that the MC is having visions of a great catastrophe to come. There seem to be a lot of consequences to using these powers, and it may be possible to destroy the laws of of science and we may be causing more problems in the long run than we are fixing right now.

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    Jan 19th, 2017 at 01:48:37     -    Life Is Strange (XBONE)

    I've been playing for about an hour. Things have begun to happen in the game that seem off. Weather is becoming abnormal and the MC keeps on having visions of a devastating tornado. Time seems to be tripping out.

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    MasterShadic228's GameLogs
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    2Thomas Was Alone (XBONE)Finished playing


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