Apr 5th, 2017 at 18:39:23 - The Talos Principle (PS4) |
The Talos Principle, PS4, Game Log April 4, 6:24-7:55 (91 minutes)
In this last playthrough I played through a few more sections and 100%ed the first 5 “worlds”. These trials have been complex, but the more I play the game the more I feel I am able to do. The results of the questionnaire I had mentioned earlier that was analyzing how I respond to questions have finally come in. Apparently, my answers contradicted each other and I was considered “not human” so I have no admin rights. How are robots supposed to pass the Turing Test when I, (at least I thought I was human) fail it. I found another email that talked about citizenship with AI. Is AI at that point when we should be considering this? Should AI even be given citizenship and treated like people? Do you have to be humane to something that technically isn’t alive? The same email argues that corporations could be considered a “person”, so it isn’t uncommon to personify objects or ideas. The game seems to, at least at the beginning, make us question humanity. The email also points out how many people might use a slippery slope argument, like why can’t an elephant be considered a citizen because of its intelligence? An interesting thing I noted on one of the last texts was that the different creators of this project referred to the test subject as “life” instead of AI. Are they playing God? Would our world backlash a similar project?
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Apr 4th, 2017 at 19:23:18 - The Talos Principle (PS4) |
The Talos Principle, PS4, Game Log April 3, 7:50-9:17 (87 minutes)
In this playthrough I started by spawning next to a beeping computer. I pulled up a text called TheTalosPrinciple.txt. This finally gave me a clear premise of what the game was all about. Talos was a sculpture that had all the functions of a human, i.e. liquid gold flowed through his veins like blood does. Is he a human, then? If he has all of these aspects, what makes a human a human? In this game, you, the player, are essentially Talos. You have the mind of a human and you act like a human, you just aren’t biologically human. Another question was posed in the same transmission: If humans are people, and some humans have the intellect of animals, and animals have the intellect of some humans, are some animals people? Should we treat people with less intellect like animals, or should we treat animals like people? I think most people would want to treat animals humanely, but not as equals. Again, using this question, it makes me think that being a person might just mean our intellect, and not our DNA. The game also assesses a personal questionnaire that you take to prove that you are human, essentially a Turing test. The game also makes it clear that this world is made out of “words” (programs), but to us it seems real. The actions in this world don’t ultimately matter, other than a teaching tool.
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Apr 3rd, 2017 at 23:13:24 - The Talos Principle (PS4) |
The Talos Principle, PS4, Game Log April 2, 8:55-1:00 (65 minutes)
The Talos Principle started off by introducing me to the game world, and that there was someone named Elohim (God in Hebrew). I knew nothing of the game, and I was just mashing buttons until my robot arms showed up. I assumed I was like an Adam character until I realized I was a robot. The game puts you into an interesting position because you act as an android, but you have your own intellect. To truly play the part, through virtue ethics, to play the best android you should use your own thought. This intended style of play and thought is interesting because it is like a robot with human thought processes. Is AI life the same as human life? The game had me asking many questions about what exactly being a human actually means. Is it our minds, or is it our bodies? Whenever you die in this game, you are rewinded to a previous point and this “experiment” is restarted. Is this humane? Does AI life have value? Before I played this game, I was unsure about this, but after playing this hypothetical situation I am even more unsure. Elohim has created trials, and these trials are deadly. You learn from your mistakes, and it is assumed you are deleted and updated with this knew knowledge. This would be seen as highly unethical if something similar was used on humans, but it is only questionable to test AI. There are also several computers around the maps, and this is mostly where you can find some sort of communication other than Eloheim. This seems to be a research institute trying to create AI because there might be a possibility that life will end on earth, from what I deduced. Would transferring yourself to AI still be you. If you were alive while the AI was, would there be two “you”s?
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Feb 22nd, 2017 at 21:25:04 - Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor (PS4) |
Shadow of Mordor, PS4, February 22nd, 2017, 5:53-6:50 (57 minutes)
This playthrough I simply released more slaves and I unlocked more and more missions. Saving slaves in this game is very rewarding because the more slave rebellions you cause, the more xp and xp opportunities are created. This gives the game an interesting dynamic, because you do not have to engage in these missions, and it is seen as the moral thing to do in this game world. Is this teaching the player to only fight for others if you gain greatly from it? As for the narrative I experienced this game, I had another main story mission with Ratbag. We are introduced to something called warchiefs, basically captains that affect Sauron’s army even more than a regular captain. You need to kill these for the story, so it is partially out of your hands. As you kill them, they all become stronger, but you also become stronger. You act selfishly by killing the warchiefs, because ultimately you are making the world a darker place just so you can have a better chance in defeating Sauron. Anyways, in that mission, you are called to kill a warchief and then passing it off as Ratbag’s kill. You are basically a hitman for Ratbag, just so you can learn of your past. Is being a part of this corruption ethical? Is helping Ratbag actually going to help you, or are you creating a monster?
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