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    Mar 5th, 2008 at 23:40:46     -    The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess (Wii)

    Gamelog # 2 for 3/5/08:


    This time around I had more fun and got into the game more because I went farther in the game and found that there was much more action and tasks for me to do. When I first played I wasn't really moving the Wii controls a lot, but as I got further in the game I found myself swaying my hand back and forth as if I was the one with the sword. It was more interactive and made it more enjoyable for me., as well as for the people around me who saw me swinging at the air.

    The problem then became my interaction with those around me. My housemates would come in and try to talk to me during my game play experience but I found myself not paying attention to them because it was too hard for me to carry a conversation and swing at the screen trying to defeat the enemies that appeared.

    As I progressed in the game narrative, I found that it was never really a dull moment. The game always kept me busy trying to figure out tasks, or a new part of the story would reveal itself. The narrative of the story was very compelling because it was one huge narrative, with small stories in between. Each city or village you went into, you heard character stories or perspectives, and thats one thing I really enjoyed about this game: the story elements, as well as the fact that you kind of had to figure things out on your own to complete a task.

    Game Design:

    I like that this game posed a challenge for me, unlike a lot of other action adventure games I have previously played. Zelda games are known for their puzzle like elements that appear in the game world.
    I liked that aspect because it allowed me as a player to really look at my surrounding and pay attention to it. Every object or monster is in a specific place for a specific reason, it was very enjoyable trying to figure out how to get a certain wall open, defeat a certain monster, etc etc. This game allowed me to think, and I liked that.

    Another aspect that was good about this game were the enemies. there were quite a few thatwere hidden and so you weren't able to see them until they popped up right in front of you. This also brings back the idea that this game is very innovative because it makes you aware of the surroundings. Enemies are hidden behind tall grass, and others can be used as items to throw at other enemies, you as the player just have to figure it out on your own even if at times it would get a little frustrating.

    There was a good sense of a reward structure in this game, because when you killed an enemy or monster you would get a heart or a rupee ( a form of currency). But also when you would defeat a boss, you would get pieces of items that become important in the larger narrative of the game. Because rewards were given so often it kept the player participating. This game kept me entertained because of the rewards, characters, story and puzzles. So overall it was a great game, entertaining and smart.

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    Mar 5th, 2008 at 22:31:22     -    The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess (Wii)

    Gamelog Entry #1 for 3/5/08:


    The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is an action adventure game in which you are the character Link. The world has turned into darkness and you run around as person and wolf (switching back and forth) changing the lands back into light. You complete tasks along the way, collect rupees, and weapons all while saving those who depend solely on you. In this game, as the character Link, you can run, jump, fight, and ride a horse through your quest to save Hyrule.


    At first this game was not as entertaining as I had hoped it to be. But that was solely because most of the beginning of the game was story, and trying to teach you how to do what with the controllers. I am a big Legend of Zelda fan so this game still was exciting for me to play, because it was the first time I was playing it on the Wii. I guess that is why I expected more, because I thought I would be doing more movement with my hands.

    I really enjoyed the new characters in this series of Zelda games. I especially liked Midna from the realm of twilight. She guided my character when he turned into a wolf. She was an interesting character because you never really find out everything about her in the beginning but you are forced to do what she says, which makes it interesting because I found myself really wanting to find out her back story instantly. She's just one of those character: you think she is evil but at the same time she does nice things. I really enjoyed every-time she would come on screen and I would get to find out more about her.

    I'm a big fan of Epona: the horse. And I was so glad when I got to ride the horse, because in all seriousness if was able to take Epona into places of the gameworld I wasn't allowed to, I would because I just love the horse. To me it was just one of those characters that would be useful in a lot of situations of the game. It's just one of those things that will always bring me back to playing this Zelda game.

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    Feb 21st, 2008 at 00:22:44     -    Rayman Raving Rabbids (Wii)

    Gamelog Entry # 2 for 2/20/08:


    I found it really hard to get a hang of the controller at first, but then I got the hang of it as I played more in this round. However I had played this Raving Rabbids game with the gamecube console and found it easier because I passed the story in one night. In the Wii however, the way the mini games were set up with the movement of the controller made it harder for me, so at times my arms got tired or I got frustrated so I had to take a break, and then come back to it later.

    Every time I won a mini-game I got more excited to play and wanted to beat those little rabbits. The “freakin’ bunnies” as my sister calls them, are what I really enjoyed. They would always be yelling which began to scare me at times, and got me more nervous. One mini game in particular, in which you had to drown the bunnies in carrot juice was extremely complicated for me at first because it was hard for me to aim just right, while shaking the controller. As they got closer to the screen they started yelling as if they were going slam into me.

    The story was basic, the mini-games were random yet hilarious because you got attack theses characters that look like cute little rabbits, but are really out to get you. I did experience flow in the game because even though most of the mini games were random, they would come back to the same concept of some minigames, but with harder levels which made it harder for the player.


    The character of the Rabbids made this game awesome to play! Each little Rabbid had a stupid looking face, yet at the same time they looked really cute. It was quite entertaining when they would come on the screen and dance. You didn’t even have to be pressing a button, just watching these Rabbids was entertaining enough. And in this game, you can actually watch video clips that the creators made of the Rabbids. Most of them are short clips showing what these bunny-like-characters like and don’t like, and they’re doing the strangest things. Their physical appearance makes you think they’re cute but when you hear the sound that comes out of them, you can’t help but laugh.

    Even though I enjoyed this game, I do have to admit that some mini-games were too complicated to get the hang of on the Wii controller, or I wasn’t really sure how it worked. I didn’t like that in one minigame where you had to get a pig to the other side I kept blowing up not knowing what I was doing wrong. Apparently there was a sound I was supposed to hear that I was listening for. Maybe it was just the console I was playing on, but I didn’t hear anything.

    The controls on this console made this game more interactive and harder to accomplish. But the idea that you were attacking these bunnies in different ways made me want to keep playing, because I wanted to see what crazy stunt they would make Rayman do with these Rabbids. An incentive or reward to the game in story mode was that you got to change Rayman’s wardrobe. And that wardrobe was also pretty funny because you can actually dress up in a big Rabbid suit. There wasn’t really any emergent quality to the narrative, all you did was play these mini games in which you got to throw, slap, kick and complete other weird tasks with the bunnies which kept me as a player entertained and continuing to play. The ideas were innovative and funny, and these Rabbid characters were the life of the game. I think with out it I wouldn’t have been all that amused.

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    Feb 20th, 2008 at 03:21:34     -    Rayman Raving Rabbids (Wii)

    Gamelog Entry # 1 for 2/20/08:


    Rayman Raving Rabbids is composed of a bunch of mini games. From shooting bunnies to racing against them, to dancing as part of the bunnies, to slapping bunnies who can't sing well. The object of the game in story mode is to pass these mini games in order for your character as Rayman to escape his jail cell.


    Having this been my first experience playing the Wii, I was really excited about it. There wasn’t a real great story to the game, but it didn’t matter because the games were entertaining and funny through the scenarios and the characters of the Raving Rabbids. I liked that there was an interaction with the control with what you were doing, so if you were swinging something, your movement would be based on the movement of controller. It was more interactive this way, and I really enjoyed playing it.

    I started with the story mode, but it was the same games you could play if you just chose to go to the games section. It was really entertaining because I could play two players, and me and my friend’s little brother took turns trying to beat each others score. The thing is while I was playing I had to be concentrating on the screen. But while we were playing the game, the people who were watching us were actually more involved then any other game I had played these past months. They got into just watching us that they wanted to play after our turns. I think that had to do with the Wii as an interactive console, but also with the game itself because the characters of the Rabbids are what make the mini games fun.

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    1Enter the Matrix (PS2)Finished playing
    2Enter the Matrix (PS2)Playing
    3Jak and Daxter (PS2)Played occasionally
    4Rayman Raving Rabbids (Wii)Finished playing
    5The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess (Wii)Playing


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