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    Jan 29th, 2008 at 01:32:59     -    Advance Wars: Days of Ruin (DS)

    What I would change

    My second session involved what I might change about Advance Wars Days of Ruin.
    If I had control I change the dark setting. You might ask why given that this is a combat game, but it is clearer if you’re familiar with other games of the “Wars” series. Although the games are all about war, they always had a light hearted cast with bright colorful worlds and characters. The antagonists felt more like opponents than enemies. In a way this kept the game from becoming too depressing. The darker tone of this newer game more accurately reflects actual war, but the dark crumbled world doesn’t really seem worth fighting over, even the people you help often renege on returning help or honoring promises. The world’s just too harsh to always be fun.

    Secondly individual battles between units take place on both screens with each side occupying either the top or bottom screen. The older games placed opponents on the same screen thus units fired on units across from them. Now my unit is separated from the unit it is across from this isn’t the biggest issue but the combat loses something because of it the exemption is that of air to ground or ground to air strikes, which would logically take place above one other. It would’ve been nice if players were given a choice of how to display combat.

    That being said the classic advance wars gameplay is intact. The strategy of the battlefield still applies; acquisition and protection of resources, the use of tanks to protect missile launchers etc. armchair generals, chess players, and anyone familiar with the older games will be able to pick this game up and enjoy.

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    Jan 29th, 2008 at 01:06:26     -    Advance Wars: Days of Ruin (DS)

    Advance Wars Days of Ruin is a strategy combat game. The story takes place on a present day earthlike planet which has been hit by a meteor, thus ending civilization. The remaining peoples of this world with access to military resources, each have separate reason to take up arms and fight with one another despite the nearly hopeless living conditions. Others simply try to survive, while others still wish to bring about the glory of pre-apocalyptic times.

    The characters are mainly of a military background. Most wear battle fatigues or at least some form of military garb. Each is drawn as if they live in a ruined world, while they don’t necessarily wear tattered clothing, their appearance reflects a world where survival comes first and appearance second. Each character has a different personality which is reflected in his/her appearance. One of the main protagonists Will has a youthful green appearance, and acts accordingly naive.

    The cast of characters interact in various ways, although typically characters on the same side of a conflict agree with one another in terms of what they’re fight for, although differing personalities present sub conflicts between allied characters. For example, in one battle a commanding officer prevents the use of certain troops because he has a personal dislike of the ground commander.

    Gameplay is turn based with each force taking a turn to move each of its units. A day is ended after each side has moved the troops it wishes to move. The battlefields are represented by grids with a unit occupying a single space of the grid. Units in cardinal adjacent grids are allowed to attack, with each unit type having a specific strengths and weaknesses. Foot soldiers can’t be expected to stand up well to tanks, just as tanks cannot shoot at planes. Combat continues in this manner until a preset objective is met or a particular side has their headquarters captured or is completely eradicated. If the players side wins then the story advances.

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