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    Jun 10th, 2008 at 03:26:37     -    World of Warcraft (PC)

    I've been leveling my shaman for the last week or so, and I'm pretty stoked about it. I enjoy my paladin alt sometimes, but I think I'll enjoy the playstyle of the shaman alot more. I really like playing my lock as well, but it's not on my server, so I don't get to much. Having a shammy alt will definitely be nice. It will also be nice to have a few options going in to the expansion for what my main will be.

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    May 30th, 2008 at 23:50:03     -    World of Warcraft (PC)

    We finally beat Kil'Jaeden, and managed to get the US first kill! It was really intense, but alot of fun. The guild's video will be from my PoV and will be released publicly soon. Pretty cool stuff!

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    May 1st, 2008 at 16:34:14     -    Mario Kart (Wii)

    Played online quite a bit, I like the ranking system they have. It's simple yes, but I like it.

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    May 1st, 2008 at 16:30:54     -    Bioshock (PC)

    Played for a few hours last night. I feel like after you get a few upgrades, the game gets pretty overpowered. Granted its still fun, but NPCs die when they hit I don't even have to do anything and the electric discharge tonic I have (or w/e it's called) kills them.

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    Slevin's GameLogs
    Slevin has been with GameLog for 16 years, 3 months, and 22 days
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    Entries written to date: 10
      Game Status / Read GameLog
    1Bioshock (PC)Playing
    2Guitar Hero III: Legentds of Rock (Wii)Playing
    3Half-Life 2 (PC)Playing
    4Mario Kart (Wii)Playing
    5Team Fortress 2 (PC)Playing
    6World of Warcraft (PC)Playing


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