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    Oct 5th, 2008 at 23:19:50     -    Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas (PS2)

    Today's entry for the game is about the violence. In GTA its pretty much about gang violence or gangster mentality violence. If you really want to think of it from an ethical point of view its all about creating the betterment of happiness for your hommies or gang. So you go around beating up drug dealer, Coke-heads, and other gang members that try to pull anything on your turf.
    There isn't just beatings that take place tho cause there is very much so a lot of gun violence because after all people these days don't just use good old fashion hand to hand weapons anymore. All in all a GTA game such as this always has a utilitarian kind of fell for the fact that what you do is create the greater happiness for your group and think about the consequences of your actions but only after your actions have taken place and the other groups may be after you.

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    Oct 4th, 2008 at 13:03:13     -    Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas (PS2)

    GTA: San Andreas is a game where people lie cheat and steal things to get by in the game. That's how you complete the missions and challenges of the game. In this game there are many issues one in particular is race.
    The story goes that the main character is a former African American Gangster who goes back to his home for his family. He now not only has to deal with his former friends from the gang but also has to deal with the rival gangs who i believe are both African American and Latin American. He also has to deal with the police, which i believe is the main reason he left town.
    The reason why I think race is the main issue of this game is because of the fact that it is dealt in most major cities as well as suburbs. Now I'm not saying that all gangs are African American and Latin American. There are some White gangs out there like the KKK but the prodominate groups are African American and Latin American because in a lot of neighborhoods they sometimes have no choice and are pushed in that direction by the society that they have. In the case of San Andreas the main character was left town then came back because of his family so he had no choice but to be put back into the predicament that he was in before.

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    1Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas (PS2)Playing
    2Super Columbine Massacre RPG (PC)Playing


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