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    motorbreath's Half-Life (PC)

    [January 14, 2008 02:10:47 AM]

    The gameplay gets far more exciting with the addition on new enemies and more difficult puzzles. Newer creatures now put up more of a fight and it is a real struggle to hold on to your ammo. Also the obstacles are becoming more of a challenge, with the addition of automated turrets, security lasers that set off explosions if you trip them and wide empty elevator shafts where you have to jump from ladder to ladder.

    I notice I feel like there is a stronger sense of security when I meet other surviving characters. When I have other characters follow me, I more easily head into uncharted territory where I would normally be more cautious. They can get in the way sometimes, I’ve died quite a few times when one particular scientist obstructed my jumps.

    The dialogue has become slightly more useful this far in the game. While they don’t add too much to the current situation, it does allude to what will happen. Many scientists exclaim that soldiers are on their way to help. This of course means that soldiers will come to destroy everything and that I will have a new enemy not far on the horizon.


    I think one of the best elements of the game is its use of the environment. Instead of walking safely on the ground and opening doors to advance, you have to be aware of broken equipment that is hazardous, not all doors work and so you need to find a work around (like a shaft or cutting the power). The game also makes good use of shadows. Many of those headcrabs hide in shadows, especially in shafts and it forces you to be more aware of where you’re going. Also there are dark shafts that have nothing in them, making the game more edgy and suspense building.

    Also what is good about the game is that it does not necessarily have levels. It’s more like one giant level that progressively gets harder and saves at fairly convenient points. This helps bring a more realistic touch to the game since it does not drastically change after each level.

    The game gets a little difficult when it comes to holding on to ammunition. This is not a game where you can be gun happy with your opponents. There were many times when I was facing down with vortiguants, aliens that shoot electricity at you, and ran out of bullets, leaving me to get killed or using my grenades, which I’m horrible at using, which usually end up with me dying anyways. There is a certain appeal to this because it does require you to be more resourceful, but at times it can be really frustrating.
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    [January 14, 2008 12:37:41 AM]

    Half-Life is a first person shooter that focuses on the character Gordon Freeman. While testing some sort of specimen, an “accident” happens that destroys most of the research facility and releasing a bunch of dangerous creatures. Gordon must fight his way through these creatures and escape the Black Mesa Federal Research Facility.


    Due to the overwhelming popularity of Half-Life 2, I thought I would give the series a try starting at the very beginning. The game controls were very easy for me to get the hang of. I usually try to avoid pc games because I am used to using a gamepad.

    What’s great about the game is how you have to learn what the plot is about as you play. I literally had no idea what my character was testing at the beginning and after the “accident” occurs, I wasn’t sure if I should stay put and see what the scientists would say or go ahead and figure everything myself. I figured that a game where you sat back and listened to people talk would be pretty boring, so I went ahead, which was a good idea because the scientists had died.

    Progressing through the facility reveals several things as to what happened or is happening. Many of these creatures, called headcrabs, seemingly appear out of nowhere and begin possessing or zombifying other scientists or guards. I was confused at first at how fast these things appeared and possessed people because I do not remember seeing them in any sort of captivity before. It was later revealed that they, along with several other kinds of creatures, spawned out of portals that appear at random times.

    Another great aspect of the game is how your character cannot do everything and is given limited access to certain areas. This makes the game slightly more interesting because you need the assistance of some of the remaining living scientist or manipulating the environment to advance in the game.

    The gameplay itself is extremely fun. The main gist of the game is running around and killing monsters by either bashing them with a crowbar or shooting and blowing them up (which are the building blocks to most great games). Aside from that, however, are also various puzzles and obstacles to get through. While they are not that challenging, they do add to the characters struggle to escape. You cannot simply run down a hallway and enter a door, you have to be aware of your surroundings and see what alternatives can be used, such as air ducts or switches.

    One of the things I disliked was the very long and boring intro. I had to stand in a railcar for nearly five minutes listening to a voice read safety warnings that my character could not really commit. Also there is an excessive amount of dialogue. While some of it builds anticipation as to what’s about to happen, such as conversations about recent mechanical failure, it rarely is very helpful and there is not much your character can do about it being that he is stoically silent.
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    motorbreath's Half-Life (PC)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Sunday 13 January, 2008

    motorbreath's opinion and rating for this game

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