Zubin's Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (360)
[March 21, 2008 04:27:15 PM]
In this second session of Call of Duty 4, I decided to play mainly online. This online version offers the gamer a completely different level of gaming. In this new realm, players are able to play online against an endless amount of players from all over the world via Xbox live. This version varies from the regular gameplay the user is used to. Game modes vary from team death matches to individual and solo matches or even games of capture the flag.
In my opinion, this is the most exciting aspect of the game. I love the fact that I am facing random people that I have never met can give an ass-whooping . With the addition of the Xbox live headset, you can actually talk to the people who are in the same room as you. To me that is the ultimate weapon for getting underneath an opponents skin. Most of my attention was focused on the solo deathwatch. I like this version because it is most similar to counterstrike, a game in which I was pretty obsessed with. I also like the team deatmatch as well, but prefer the less chaotic nature of the solo player action.
Since most of my focus was to the online portion of the game during this session, I will also speak to the gameplay in regards to its online counterpart. As I mentioned before, the online capability enables the user to interact with a vast community of like-minded players. This makes the game a truly interactive endeavor for the player. The online aspect of the game creates new situations for the gamer so that nothing becomes too repetitive. This constant creation of new situations keeps the game play fresh and keeps gamers coming back for more. The more you play this game, the better you become. Throoughout your progression you acquire new special features for your character to use. A combination of the online gameplay and the gamers gradual progression throughout the game keep the gamers interest piqued .
A cool aspect to the online world is variety of maps. Each map definitely has its own feel and there aren’t too many recurring objects between the maps, adding to the unique feel of the game worlds. The levels range from being inside a former U.S.S.R. style encampment to an abandoned airport silo. Each level makes use of its unique characteristics and creates its own distinct feel. One aspect to the online playability that focuses on the maps is the fact that when a player kills five opponents they are able to call an airplane strike, and after ten kills in a row without dying, they are able to call in a helicopter. This to me was a pretty cool little aspect to the game which encourages players to do well so that they can get additional kills and make extra use of the maps.
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[January 15, 2008 02:01:40 AM]
Call of Duty 4 is a first person shooter game that takes place during a fictional war. In this game, you go throughout each level(map) accomplishing missions in order to progress in the battle. Ultimately, I don't know where all this progression leads you as I am an inexperienced gamer with little knowledge of this game.
Although I don't really play video games too often, I almost never play first-person shooters. This game to me was a little bit different than other games that I have played that are similar. The only real game I played that is similar to this one is Counter-Strike. Unlike Counter-Strike, this game immerses you in the story line by making the game a team effort. In this game, you aren't the main character and it seems as if the only way to progress in the game is to stay with your troops. By doing this, it gives the gamer a sense of companionship and fraternity with the other men in your battalion and engrosses you in the game.
Playing this game, I can't help but think about the current situation overseas in the Middle East. With each of the missions, you can't help but wonder how accurate this game is. Is this what it feels like for the troops in Iraq? Are they constantly ducking in abandoned buildings and seeing their perceived enemies through the scope of a sniper rifle? Are their deaths just as nameless and faceless as the artificial intelligence of the game? It's amazing how close this game hits to home given the world's current situation.
As for the gameplay of this game, it is very addictive! The graphics and smoothness of the games movements are unreal. The situation was made wonderfully better when combined with my friends 56'' plasma television! During my gaming session, I played this game in both story mode and online versus mode. The gameplay is vastly different in these two modes, but equally addicting. In the story mode, you want to complete missions because you want to progress throughout the maps. You become enveloped with the other men in your botallion and become angry when one of them goes down and you take it upon yourself to try and protect them. In the online multiplayer mode, it's just sheer chaos! In this mode, you play online against your peers over the internet. Instead of going through levels and completing missions as in story mode, in the online multiplayer version your main objective is to kill, kill and kill. There are two teams which engage in a free-for-all, normally during timed matches which switch between maps. The best part of playing online is trash talking your opponents and peers via the Xbox Live headsets. Now you can actually talk to the people you play with, giving it that extra personal touch.
Overall, my brief time with this game was awesome. I really think I want to purchase an Xbox for the sole reason of owning this game as well as Rockband. This game has a high replay value because there are a decent amount of levels that make the game pretty diverse. If one becomes bored with the story mode, then the online multiplayer game is just as good as any PC shooter, Counter-Strike included. The social interaction between peers is also an added bonus, creating a sense of community. I really want to go to Costco to purchase an Xbox 360. I just think I might!
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Zubin's Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (360)
Current Status: Playing
GameLog started on: Tuesday 15 January, 2008