drozen's Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (PC)
[January 17, 2008 02:21:19 AM]
For my game log I chose to play Call of Duty 4 on a PC. This game simulation of a fictional war in modern times. It is a 3d first person shooter.
I found the first forty five minutes of CD4 very exciting and enjoyable. The game did a very god job of depicting real life scenarios and made me feel as I was in the middle of whatever event was taking place. In one level i found myself in a ship as it starts to sink due to some sort of explosion. I had to run up a really steep slanted walkway with the ship rocking and it made me feel nauseas. I would have to move the mouse to steady the shaking screen to focus on where I was walking even though I was only holding forward. I would also be tilting my head to be parallel with the path It was very realistic. I could hear my soldier breathing really heavily just as a human would doing the same activity.
The graphics were very good, when talking to people facial features would move to simulate real people talking. I enjoyed feeling as if I was a real soldier with all the proper equipment going into battle. I also enjoyed the tutorial it gave in the beginning of the game to understand the concept of shooting and moving. I liked that the games backgrounds always changed and it never felt like I was in the same place twice. Objectives kept on changing so their was always something to do, no ideal time what so ever ( other then the fly ins and such). I was often confused about how to complete a mission as I would just run into corners and dead ends frequently. I also found my self in really long shoot outs with no end, until I figured that I need to push my troops up.
Attempt 2:After playing the game for another forty minutes I was reminded that it is a difficult game as I had a lot of trouble getting past multiple parts. The locations were realistic as battle took place in villages to large business buildings. It was really fun being able to slide down a rope hanging form a helicopter right into battle, I always imagined war to be the way that this game portrays it. The game is difficult in that there are a lot of places to go and I often found my self separated form my team which often got frustration. I continued to be fascinated with the great detail in the game. While sniping from a hill top the screen slightly sways from side to side as the characters breaths. You can even hold your breath to keep the screen a bit straighter.
Design: I enjoyed the number of weapons the characters had, I also enjoyed the fact that the game took place almost like a movie with multiple scenes where all you could do is turn your head and watch the events transpire without your intervention. I really liked the freedom of movement, I could get my character anywhere where I think I would be able to get my self physically which again added to the games realness. I enjoyed the fact that I encountered a lot of terrains in my limited play, mountains, flats, swamps, towns, buildings. I enjoyed shooting through walls and the lack of a health bar system or health pack. This feature makes the game move much faster which is another good trait to this game, you are always surprised with new enemies coming from all sorts of angels. just like in real life at no point in the game could you be out in the open with enemies for more then a few seconds without being killed after only two or three quality shots, which is much more realistic. My favorite part of the game was the variety in objectives, from sniping to close combat to finding certain people the game was very exciting and kept me on the edge of my seat for most of the game.
I also joined the class late so this is due today at midnight
This entry has been edited 1 time. It was last edited on Jan 17th, 2008 at 02:24:16.
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drozen's Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (PC)
Current Status: Playing
GameLog started on: Thursday 17 January, 2008