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    Daizengar's Super Robot Taisen: Original Generation 2 (GBA)

    [February 8, 2008 07:48:04 PM]

    HAHA! THE INSPECTORS ARE DEAD! I KILLED THEM! After the very involved process of eliminating the inspectors, I get my rewards for the effort: The three most powerful upgrade items in the game, and two secret weapons. The fight is very rewarding, not just in that it really does up the quality of your armory, but how quickly you get atttached to killing them.

    These new items greatly improved my performance in the missions to come. I am really glad I stuck around to fight rather than giving up. One of the best features of OG2 is its challenge and reward system for its secret units and items. You can do things the easy way and just get through the game, or you can do it the hard way and reap the rewards. This way it apeals to both causal, lets try it out types, and those who enjoy massive challenges.


    OG2 contains several new elements not seen in its predecessor that I reviewed before, Super Robot Taisen 3. Now, weapons are upgradable in addition to mechs and people, and that does add a new challenge in figuring out how you want to configure your units. To add even more customization, you can also change the weapons load out of each unit. Unlike the previous version, where you could only chose what kinds of action units took in reaction to enemy attacks, you can now make them a lot more specific and varied. My favorite new innovation for OG2, is the ability to skip combat animations, resulting in much faster gameplay.

    As stated in the gameplay I really like the challenge/reward system established with the secret units. It really does make a huge difference in the quality of the game. What I however do not like, is how the designers tried to vary the levels this time around. In OG1 levels were made more difficult with terrain elements, improved enemy support skills, and more powerful enemy formations. This led to the increased challenge being a strategic one. Now the levels seem to be varied by how many opponents can the throw at me at one tome, making it less about stategy, and more about how fast can I slaugter units.

    My last concern comes from a secret unit I just recived, which has a weapon that can paralyse bosses, allowing me to pound on them without consequence. It just seems a little game breaking. Worst comes to worse, I can just not use it.

    Despite its faults, I highly recomend this game, and consider it to be the best game I have ever purchased for the GBA.
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    [February 8, 2008 07:24:17 PM]
    Super Robot Taisen: Orginal Generation 2 is the second game of the spin off series of Super Robot Taisen. What seperates the two series is that the Original Generation (OG for short) games contain none of the liscensced characters and mechs from the orignal series, and just uses Banpresto created characters and mechs. Like the rest of the Super Robot Taisen games, OG2 is a turn based strategy game, with role playing elements. You take the characters and mechs, command them in battles, and upgrade them to more powerful versions, and lead them through a fairly complex story.


    I have to admit, I had been playing this game for some time before I wrote this entry, so I am allready about 15 missions into the game (out of 40 some-odd missions). At this point I am having my first showdown with the aliens known as the inspectors. The odds are stacked against me, while it is a five of me VS three of them match up, I can't help but feel out gunned. Mu unit with the most health has 14,000 hit points, with one more at a little over 5,000, and the last two sitting at about 4,000 hit points. They all have more hit points than the character limit for the HP bar can display, and can each destory any of my units short of my battle ship in a single blow. If I loose a single unit, I get a game over. Thank the merciful heavens for quick save and reload game commands.

    I actually really like the set up for this level. You are given two options, fight the inspectors, or run for the map edge to escape. This means that the sort of player who would give up on Gradius after ten minutes can run away, and others who enjoy the challenge can put up a fight. I found my self really involved in the battle and lost track of time fighting them, and after finally whittleing and killing the first of the three inspectors, I considered leaving just to end the level, but decided after I had allready put this much time into the level, it was time to introduce those two remaining rear end top hats to the afterlife. Time for round two.
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    Daizengar's Super Robot Taisen: Original Generation 2 (GBA)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Friday 8 February, 2008

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