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    mbiggs's Zelda: Windwaker (GC)

    [November 14, 2006 10:44:08 PM]
    The first 30 minutes of my experience playing Windwaker was just a big tease. The first conversation in the game has your sister pretty much telling you "I have nothing important to say, but you should navigate to that house over there and something cool might happen". Once you get to that house, your grandmother tells you that she will give you soup later on. You visit Orca and get to practice sword fighting, but only to find out that you don't get a sword just yet. You can go to the boat with Beedle the shopkeeper, but you don't have enough rupees to buy anything significant. Trees surround a pretty yellow rupee, but you can't get to it because you don't have a sword to cut down the trees. And finally, no access to the fairy forest because the road is being worked on.

    So, it is a pretty typical beginning for an adventure game. Limited access to the world, slow revealing of what you can do with your avatar and various hints at plot points that will come up later in the game. The interesting aspect of the first 30 minutes was that pretty much all the characters that you meet were family oriented in one way or another. One guy was trying to catch a pig for his wife. Orca and Sturgeon are brothers. You live with your grandmother and your sister. One little boy looks up to you like a little brother would.

    I think the makers did a fairly good job encouraging the player to explore the small amount of world that was given to him/her. The path to your grandmother's house had three to four different points of interest that could cause divergence from the main plot line. The boat shop gives the player an optional goal of collecting rupees to buy bait and so forth. The act of collecting rupees causes the player to explore world, pick up rocks and jump on houses' rooftops.
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    mbiggs's Zelda: Windwaker (GC)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Tuesday 14 November, 2006

    mbiggs's opinion and rating for this game

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstarstar

    Related Links

    See mbiggs's page

    See info on Zelda: Windwaker

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