jp's Platypus (PSP)
[June 2, 2010 03:30:38 PM]
I guess I was wrong to think that a claymation shooter would be interesting.
I feel slightly disappointed because, even as shooters go, this game is pretty run-of-the mill. Well, at least as far as I was able to get (2nd world only!). It's pretty hard and the time-limited power-ups don't help either, there aren't that many of them, and..there simply isn't a lot of variation in the backgrounds, enemies, and so on. Yes, I understand that claymation is expensive and time consuming and all that, but I still feel that it isn't taken advantage of in any meaningful way. It's almost a gimmick...
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jp's Platypus (PSP)
Current Status: Stopped playing - Something better came along
GameLog started on: Wednesday 2 June, 2010
GameLog closed on: Wednesday 2 June, 2010 |
jp's opinion and rating for this game |
Not worth it. There's nothing too special in it as a shooter, and the art style is neat, but you can get that from watching a Youtube video.
Rating (out of 5): |
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