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    maa146's Risk (Other)

    [January 26, 2011 10:26:47 PM]
    Risk: Command Room -- Sunday, Jan 23 (Game One)/Monday, Jan 24 (Game Two)

    The classic game of Risk is a lot of fun; however, it was an all day event. To remedy this, Hasbro released a prototype called Black Ops, a new version of Risk that modified the rules to speed game-play. The actual game, released in 2008, was just named Risk.

    = Players =

    The game is designed for 3-5 players. Each player represents an empire bent on world domination. They move their armies from country to country attacking everyone the gets in their way.

    = The Board =

    The board is a mock world map separated into named regions, such as "China", "Western United States", "Alberta", etc. These regions are grouped by continent, each with a troop bonus for the player that controls all the contained regions.

    = The Modifications =

    Risk: Command Room, created by Hasbro to speed the game-play, adds additional goals, called objectives, besides total world domination. There are 8 objectives split equally into two categories, Major and Minor, and are selected at random from a stack at the beginning of each game. Also, each objective gives a non-transferable bonus to the player that completes that objective; these are also selected at random. To win the game, the player must obtain any three objectives. The objectives can be obtained by completing the objectives, limited to one per turn, and eliminated a player that possesses objectives.

    Also, the idea of cities and capitols were introduced. Each of these aided in troop recruitment in on way or another. The 15 cities are placed on regions randomly at the beginning of the game. The capitols are player specific, and chosen at the beginning of the players first region selection turn.

    = Game-Play =

    First Session: We played Risk: Command Room with 3 players. This was the first time any of us had played Risk: Command Room; however, two of us have played Risk. The setup of the game take a while, in this case 30 minutes. Each player must take turns taking regions until the map is full, then divvy their remaining troop on the regions they just claimed. In this session, most of the regions in North America had cities in them; so, there was a lot of conflict in that area. But when one player finally pushed the others out, he had the game in his hand; it was just a matter of time. This session lasted about an hour and a half.

    Second Session: The following night we setup the game again, this time with 5 players; the three that played the night before, one that had never played Risk: Command Room, and one that has never played any Risk. Again, the setup took a while, 45 minutes this time. In this session the cities were more evenly placed; each major continent had about 4 and each minor continent had about 2. Since the number of players increased, the number of troops each player starts with decreases. This mean each player must be more conservative in how they play at the beginning of the game, or risk being eliminated from play. Which is exactly what happened with one of the old and new players. This session took about two and a half hours.

    = Overall =

    I thoroughly enjoyed the new version of Risk. It fixed my main problem with the game, but still has the issue of setup time and introduces a new one with the randomness of the city placement.
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    maa146's Risk (Other)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Tuesday 25 January, 2011

    maa146's opinion and rating for this game

    Great Game. Fixed the major problem with Risk, the game-play time.

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstar

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