jp's Osmos (PC)
[November 19, 2011 10:46:10 PM]
I've had this "sitting" in my steam account for a looong time now. Not quite since it was an indie darling at GDC (or IGF, or al of the above), but pretty close. I'm not quite sure what all the fuss was about. Perhaps I'm jaded since this game (I think?) predates iPads and touchscreen tablets and all that. So, the interface is nice, but feels like it could really kick butt on a touchscreen. Maybe it does already (not sure if there is an Apple app store version). In any case, it's a soothing and calming game...that's pretty and nice. But not all that exciting or interesting. I played the tutorials and about 10 more levels or so...and after a while they all seem to look and play the same. For the most part. And yes, like I said before, they're nice and pretty and calming and so on...but still.
I'm not complaining, just a little underwhelmed. That might be my fault in any case, believing the hype and all that...
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jp's Osmos (PC)
Current Status: Playing
GameLog started on: Saturday 19 November, 2011