pjs95's Half-Life 2 (PC)
[February 6, 2012 07:33:54 PM]
One of the biggest feature of this game is the GravGun. This weapon allows the player to pick up most objects and the hurl them at the enemy. A good example of this is in the level called Ravenholm. The player is sent to a deserted town that is infested with zombies. The player is given very little ammo so he or she has to rely a lot on the gravgun. The town is littered with objects that can be used as weapons, from explosive barrels to saw blades that will rip enemies in half.
One of my favorite features of the game though is the graphics. When this game was released in 2004, the graphics were cutting edge. Compared to today's graphics, this game does show its age, but something it is not lacking on is the facial animations. The way characters faces move is just incredible, this is one of the only games where I can actually tell the subtle changes in moods or expressions in the characters.
These are my thoughts on Half-Life 2, I would highly recommend this game to anyone who has not played it.
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[February 6, 2012 03:28:53 PM]
Half-Life 2 is the game every adventure/fps game tries to live up to. It is by far one of the best PC games ever released.
One of the things that make HL2 such a great game is the simplicity of the game play. It is a basic first person shooter. The player can basically move, jump and shoot. But running right alongside this simple mechanic is the amazing physic engine Valve implemented into the game. The player can pretty much pick up most of the objects presented in the game. They then can use these objects to solve puzzles. For example there is on point where the player is presented with a simple see-saw. To progress further, the player must use cinder blocks found in the room to get the see-saw to tip up so they can reach a ledge.
The story of HL2 is completely engrossing, if hard to follow at some points. Unfortunately, if the player has not played the original half-life, most of the story is lost and the current plot makes no sense at the beginning, but is filled in along the remainder of the game.
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pjs95's Half-Life 2 (PC)
Current Status: Playing
GameLog started on: Saturday 4 February, 2012