shardt2's Saint's Row: The Third (PC)
[September 2, 2012 09:52:27 PM]
I was continuing a game that I started last semester, which was my second play through. My play time was cut short because of computer issues, I really do need to get that figured out. Other then that, the game play was excellent as usual.The graphics are cool and the custimization of your character makes it very personal, or funny depending on how you play the game. The levels are not to difficult to get through, but I had to do a few missions twice or three times to complete it.
This entry has been edited 1 time. It was last edited on Dec 5th, 2012 at 23:25:17.
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shardt2's Saint's Row: The Third (PC)
Current Status: Played occasionally
GameLog started on: Sunday 2 September, 2012