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    Prodimator's Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts (360)

    [October 28, 2012 03:40:04 PM]
    This past week, I replayed a bit of Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts, a game that, for me, is filled with huge amounts of nostalgia. Over the past two summers, my friend and I have played too many hours to count of this game. Much of the high playability of this game has to due with the fact that this game is based off of the players own imagination. Nuts & Bolts is a game where one of the main goals is just to create vehicles with various purposes to complete different kinds of missions. The game is supplied with a large enough palette of vehicle parts that the player is able to create countless different vehicles.
    While the parts palette is quite big, I felt as though it was still lacking a few pretty important items. To get around this however, my friend and I just exploited glitches and other problems in the physics system and used it to our advantage. Most of the time, these exploits turned out to be hilariously awesome. For example, there is a part called the “tow bar”. This parts main purpose is to, as its name says, tow other objects by some magic beam that grows in length as it needs to. However, instead of towing objects, we somehow figured out a way to use it to emulate joints. We ended up creating a massive mech where the legs we’re attached using the tow bars. My friend and I were able to have this giant mech walk just by rotating/ turning the upper body. Did the developers plan for this to happen? Most likely not. It was awesome. On the topic of tow bars, many of the exploits we found in the physics engine revolved around the tow bars. Another example, which was not very beneficial, just fun to watch, resulted in a vehicle that we built which included multiple tow bars connected to each other in a very narrow tube. After a few seconds, the vehicle, without moving at all, would eventually destroy itself in a huge explosion of lights and parts. There was absolutely no reason for this at all.
    Overall, the game is extremely fun. It was a huge step away from the typical Banjo Kazooie formula. However, I think I would rather have a typical Banjo Kazooie game rather than one that follows the formula for Nuts and Bolts.
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    Prodimator's Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts (360)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Sunday 28 October, 2012

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