dkirschner's Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved (PC)
[July 27, 2013 12:07:32 AM]
Quick entry for this...
Briefly entertaining little dual-stick shooter. Kill randomly and increasingly spawning enemies of various types, avoid getting hit, and rack up multipliers.
Favorite thing: the way the background warps and the cool gravity wells that suck in enemies (and you if you're not careful). These can be manipulated strategically. Also had fun figuring out optimal movement and positioning (corners are nice) to maximize my firing range and minimize the different angles I could be approached and killed from.
Least favorite thing: it's just like a prototype of Beat Hazard, which I think is an infinitely more enjoyable game.
I see how your points increase rather exponentially, and at certain milestones you get an extra bomb, extra life, or a new weapon type (these weapon types seem to be random and repeat themselves). Once you get near 100k points, it gets pretty insane. Anyway, retiring this forever. Will play Beat Hazard if I want a space arcade shooter.
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dkirschner's Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved (PC)
Current Status: Finished playing
GameLog started on: Saturday 27 July, 2013
GameLog closed on: Saturday 27 July, 2013 |
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