jp's Murder in Venice (DS)
[February 8, 2017 05:04:27 PM]
Here's a great reminder to not dismiss "budget" games in a genre you know very little about. Murder in Venice is a hidden object game - I'm curious to know how it made its way to the DS - that was surprisingly interesting and engaging. The story was interesting enough to keep my moving along, things moved briskly and there are little mini-games every now and then that mix up the action and kept things from going stale. And you know what? Finding hidden objects (that are in plain sight) can be quite relaxing and compelling.
I'm super glad I played this.
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jp's Murder in Venice (DS)
Current Status: Finished playing
GameLog started on: Wednesday 1 February, 2017
GameLog closed on: Sunday 5 March, 2017 |
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