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    West's Life Is Strange: Before The Storm (PS4)

    [September 27, 2017 11:05:06 PM]
    My favorite TV channel is about laws and real-life cases. Aside from car accidents, there are two major reasons that cause the mischiefs and killings: Money and extramarital affairs. This is one of the reasons why I love games with modern themes, these games' stories often talk about issues under the modern frameworks rather than assign a giant villain that somehow enjoy in killing and destroy the world.
    I Life is Strange: Before the Storm, Rachel Amber was facing a problem which her father was having an affair with another woman. I would expect some explanations behind this, but for now, players would already address it as an issue when they sees it. This arouse their attention and makes the players to think of how to deal the similar situation in real life. Although Japanese games had done better by assigning players in different roles in an extramarital affair. This proves videogames could be a great tool to help people reflect a moral issue in different aspects and the problems they never thought before.
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    [September 26, 2017 11:01:09 PM]
    Went back to this prequel today, still, I found it hard to engage with a brand new yet dead character.
    I went back to a specific sense which I, as Chloe Price, having a conversation with my mom in the kitchen. I saw clearly that the choice says "Be Honest" which I originally chose for confronting to Joyce, the original idea was trying to tell the truth as a family member, I value my honesty, especially with the people that close to me. As Chloe, there should be a moment for her to speak how she really feels. Joyce is a kind lady, she bears a lot of pain with herself and still acting nicely to her surroundings. But she failed on parenting in many ways: Chloe didn't become like this for no reason. In fact, broadly speaking, people were not born to be bad. I was only trying to be honest with oneself.
    However, the game evaluated my behavior as "Bad mouth to your mom" at the end of the game. I find it unacceptable. This leads to many problems including parent's authorities, family issues and so on. How much power do parents hold? How do the lesser ones confront to them? What should we do to balance the equality in our families?
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    [September 22, 2017 11:30:11 PM]
    Forest was on fire! Hopefully, I have nothing to do with it this time.
    I actually finished this prequel on the first day when it was launched, I overheard that the production team had shifted, but the style and overall quality did not go downhill. In the first episode, the main stage did not take place in the school, it started and ended as high-schoolers when they were not in school. I did not spend my high school life in America, but the whole setting fancies me than all the other games and films that using American school as a theme, so I do not care its authenticity.
    So far, what I am facing is an extramarital affair and a character that somehow already dead, I had the concern that players would have a hard time to really connect to Rachel, seems it actually is the case in this prequel.
    I will go back to the game and dig out more from this game, ideally, I will not wait for more than half year to finish the whole episodes.
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    West's Life Is Strange: Before The Storm (PS4)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Friday 22 September, 2017

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