Elias_Lumarda's Nier Automata (PC)
[August 30, 2018 11:09:40 AM]
Now I see where we can really start to apply ethical arguments to this game. My last session began with the backstory of the game being laid out in front of me. The robots I tear through were sent by robots in an attempt to colonize or dominate, earth. As a result, the survivors of the attack needed to retreat to the moon, and in an attempt to regain our planet humans made the robots that the player plays as. Now that we know the motivations of my character I can ethically support my killing of these alien drones until I had an odd encounter. I came across a single robot that was vocalizing fear, and when pursued I discovered a large swarm of robots that seemed to be trying to, put bluntly, fornicate. After I dispatched enough of them they formed together and gave birth, I think, to a robot that acted and looked like my character. This made me question my own character and whether or not I should have instantly killed it. When trying to think about the societal influences that this game could have, my first instinct is how some people think that technology is advancing too fast. Countless movies and shows have been made about technology taking over the population, with examples such as Terminator, I Robot, and 2001: A Space Odyssey.
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[August 29, 2018 11:06:21 PM]
It may have taken two more tries but I finally beat the first boss, in other news I’ve discovered I do not like bullet hell games. Nevertheless, I still was enjoying myself going through the abandoned facility, dispatching countless of these pointless robots that seem to throw themselves at me. It was also in the follow up after the boss fight we learned that the lead characters we’ve met so far, 2B and S9, are some kind of super-advanced robots. Gameplay aside when trying to compare what we were talking about in class to the game, my first thought is why should I be caring about either side. Until I find out which side is fighting for what I cannot morally support either side since both being robots neither can be fighting for morals/emotions, unless one side of robots is self-aware to the point where it can fell emotions. Either way, while playing I did think about how I was supposed to just mindlessly slaughter these droves of bots coming towards me without a second thought, maybe this is by design to make the player feel more like a robot by not giving them the decision of whether or not to destroy these opponents.
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Elias_Lumarda's Nier Automata (PC)
Current Status: Playing
GameLog started on: Wednesday 8 August, 2018