cllaude's A Mortician's Tale (PC)
[September 27, 2018 11:10:14 PM]
Today, the game started off as usual, with emails and a different body to prepare for the day. Slowly, the issue of corporate greed in such a harsh business started to become a bigger theme in the game. With the buy out, the emails started to get more and more tense, and it showed a major difference between a company who cared about the mourning family vs one that just wants to make more money. The ending was also... rather abrupt. Not sure if I liked it much, and the ending really confirmed to me the use of formaldehyde and green burials. It almost felt like the game didn't have a complete ending, and that somehow it was just a push to show the dev's standpoint on traditional funerals. Not sure, just very weird and totally ended out of nowhere, leaving me to fill in the dots.
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[September 27, 2018 10:56:02 PM]
(This is part 1, I don't see it in my log despite knowing I posted it on 9/25/18 so I'm posting it again just in case.)
In A Mortician's Tale, within the first couple minutes of the game, there are already so many ethical and moral issues presented. I feel that the major one that would never go away was the fact you have to take care of these deceased body's for the funeral. It is a really big responsibility to prepare this loved ones body, and there's a lot of emotional stability that goes behind being able to do it so well. Another big issue I saw in the game was the use of formaldehyde when embalming a body. I never thought of it as an issue, but in a funeral, some guests were talking about how toxic it is to use it, and then just put the person back in the ground after that. The issue of jobs and working for something like a mom and pop funeral home was also presented, in the emails that you read at the beginning of the day.
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[September 26, 2018 11:40:01 PM]
My play today started off pretty heavy in the issues of job loss and the use formaldehyde. I find it very interesting that this game is one about death, from the loss of a person, to respecting that person's body, to coping with the loss; but somehow, different ethical themes and issues are still presented often. They are often very well integrated into what is going on, and do not seem weird to be used in the game. I feel that the theme of death and how if affects everyone still overshadows other issues (such as financial crisis in a business or use of certain chemicals), yet it still is able to be used efficiently in showing an everyday life of someone who works in such a heart wrenching field. For example, despite having issues such as the buy out of the funeral home, Jen was still able to bring up the fact there are "green" caskets that won't hurt the environment as badly in the future. Continuing with the major ethical issue of death, there are points in the game where you will have to accept, or reject certain body preparations. This is a major ethical dilemma, because you either respect the deceased one's wishes, or go against it and follow the family's wish on how the body will be prepared.
This game is packed with all sorts of issues, that we have to face in real life at times as well, which really gets you thinking. I left off after cremating the homeless man's body. ouch
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cllaude's A Mortician's Tale (PC)
Current Status: Playing
GameLog started on: Tuesday 25 September, 2018