Serenaash's A Mortician's Tale (PC)
[November 10, 2018 11:45:34 PM]
I would like to analyze the game form a kantian perspective of how her actions are moral as it is her duty to do so. She was following the wishes of her corporation, which were some immmoral acts. However, she ultimately left and started her own business where she could work with a free conscience about how she was working on those who had passed.
I hope this doesn't count as a late entry. I just wanted some feedback on my topic before I started writing my draft.
This entry has been edited 1 time. It was last edited on Nov 10th, 2018 at 23:53:32.
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[November 8, 2018 08:10:56 AM]
The end was very uplifting. The main girl, Charlie, decided she was done with all of the corporate rules and went on to create her own mortuary. Her mortuary was a green mortuary, where their loved ones would be buried and a tree would grow from right next to it. This was alluded to as it showed her tab, which was to get licensed. It also had a subscription list about green funerals. There was also a family that had wanted it, but the corporate guy said that that wasn't allowed. It was a good ending that showed that the unethical acts of corporations can be solved by just getting out of that environment and just creating your own. Additionally, the corporation kept getting gigs where they would deal with unclaimed bodies and hospital patients. While this is good for profits, it is sad as no one attends the funerals.
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[November 7, 2018 12:46:06 PM]
Kept playing. There was an email about LGBTQ awareness. It is important to recognize life styles of more than one group. Additionally, a corporation had bought the mortuary, but kept the mom and pop name. By doing this, the manager was trying to push for up selling rather than respecting the wishes of the family. Now the corporation took away cooperation in order to profit. These corporations don't are about the individual, they only care about how deep their pockets are. They cut costs and increase prices, adjust rules, etc. A family just wanted a funeral at home, but the corporation wouldn't allow it. This created a problem for a family, where the attendees said that she wouldn't have wanted the funeral they had. It was pretty sad. Her friend had left the company due to his inability to comply with the corporation rules.
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[November 5, 2018 05:38:20 PM]
The first little bit of this game was a little confusing. I wasn't sure where I would find the ethical relationships in the game. As I was playing, I could see how controversial suicide was. There was a child who died from a suicide. There were rules from a mailing list for funeral homes that gave insight to different practices of religion. It also gave insight as to how to handle LGBTQ burials. It was an interesting beginning. I stopped once Charlie read an email about how the owner, Amy, was selling her funeral home to a corporation. She believes that the corporation was only keeping their original name of Rose and daughter's funeral home to keep the mom and pop store vibe.
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Serenaash's A Mortician's Tale (PC)
Current Status: Playing
GameLog started on: Monday 5 November, 2018