kevinfan's A Mortician's Tale (PC)
[November 9, 2018 03:55:52 PM]
So this game involves a lot of reading, and I am really annoyed by the amount of text. So far I have been cleaning bodies and listening in on stories. It really gives me a creepy vibe, but I like it.
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[November 8, 2018 01:36:46 PM]
So I started playing "A Mortician's Tale". It appears to be a management based game. I play as Charlie, who just started working as a mortician. I really like the art style, it feels really clean. I just started the game, and all the information about out character is obtained by reading emails on the computer in the game.
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kevinfan's A Mortician's Tale (PC)
Current Status: Playing
GameLog started on: Thursday 8 November, 2018