jp's Carnival Games (DS)
[November 14, 2020 09:42:21 PM]
I've picked up a bunch of mini-game collections for the DS, mostly because I wanted to look at some particular implementations of UI for some of the minigames. This collection is another one of the set....
It's literally what the box says - a collection of typical carnival games, all pretty well implemented, you earn tickets and then trade those in to customize your avatar. I don't think you can unlock more games?
Surprisingly, the game has a multiplayer option (2 players) with wireless play. I've seen this in a bunch of games now and I'm assuming that it was a nice feature for siblings? Given that these games are targeted (I think) to younger kids (so, late in the DS lifecycle), that a game that allowed people to play with younger/older sister/brother was a nice touch? I wonder how much that was really used or not.
Man, the more I've been looking at these kids games for the DS the more I wish there was more research on them - how are/were they actually played? Was the multiplayer wireless a desired/valued feature? Were these mini-game collections successful enough? I've assumed they were budget/cheaper - did kids really enjoy these? (OMG, so much value/fun here!)
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jp's Carnival Games (DS)
Current Status: Stopped playing - Something better came along
GameLog started on: Monday 14 September, 2020
GameLog closed on: Saturday 14 November, 2020 |
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