dkirschner's Homeworld: Remastered Collection (PC)
[November 8, 2023 06:09:27 PM]
Another classic game that I remember playing some as a teenager but never got into. I assumed that a remaster would make it more accessible than a 20-year old space RTS, but it's really...challenging. I'm not sure if this is an issue with the remaster, or it's unsupported, or what is going on, but there were a lot of needlessly complicated things, such as:
- maneuvering the camera in 3d space. I constantly was too high or too low and had trouble viewing what I was trying to view.
- moving units to a specific point. Again, they constantly went too high, too low, or kilometers away. Just like I had trouble looking at what I wanted to see, I had trouble looking at the exact point I wanted units to move to and clicking it.
- friendly AI. This was poor. One thing I noticed is that units kept resetting their stance to "passive," so they'd just sit there getting killed. I kept changing it to aggressive so they'd attack on sight, and they kept changing it back...
- slow. Everything was slow. It took ages for units to move across the map. Production takes a long time. Killing enemies takes a long time.
I was initially enamored with the 3d space and the great atmosphere the game creates. The voiceovers are excellent, the story intriguing. The whole thing has a mood that I liked. But gameplay quickly became a chore. I made it several missions in and quit. I booted up Homeworld 2, and it was exactly like the first one, even with a really similar tutorial and first mission. Decided I'd try the more recent Deserts of Kharak instead. Already enjoying it more, but I do miss being in space!
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dkirschner's Homeworld: Remastered Collection (PC)
Current Status: Stopped playing - Got frustrated
GameLog started on: Monday 23 October, 2023
GameLog closed on: Tuesday 7 November, 2023 |
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